Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Tummy Tamer

In recent years, scientists have discovered that the GI system has an even bigger, more complex job than previously appreciated. It’s been linked to numerous aspects of health that have seemingly nothing to do with digestion, from immunity to emotional stress to chronic illnesses, including cancer and Type 2 diabetes.
~Amanda MacMillan for Time Magazine

I talked about keeping your digestion happy before on Wellness Wednesday (here) but I wanted to revisit the topic because I recently made this Tummy Tamer glycerite for someone in my household. He definitely likes it...not sure whether it is helping his digestion or he likes the taste but I think maybe it's both :-) I winged it a bit based on what I had, feel free to mess with the recipe. Don't worry about leaving out an ingredient (unless it's the glycerin!). Carry on.

Also, here's Rosalee de la Forêt showing how to make digestive pastilles:

The Time Magazine gut health article (from the top quote)
Mountain Rose Herbs' 3 herbal digestion recipes

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