I like finding intersections between poetry and other things, such as:
* poetry and moviesRecently, I noticed a poetry-theme park connection...
* poetry and politics
* poetry and speeches and court documents
* poetry and dance
* poetry and comics
* poetry and songs
* poetry and neuroscience, genetics, and chemistry
* poetry and the blues
* poetry and opera
* poetry and photography
* poetry and t-shirts
* Laura's poetry and football
I got a kick out of visiting Seuss Landing in Universal Studios, Orlando last weekend. It's not every day that I get to hang out in a place devoted to one of my favorite poets!

Another intersection that has an ongoing appeal for me is poetry and art. I thought Alisa Burke's idea about creating large paintings full of text was fun. She used "i carry your heart with me(i carry it in" by e.e. cummings for hers. Check it out!
Jim Hill is our Poetry Friday host today.
Hi, Tabatha. I must go see what "One Fish, Two Fish" is all about next time I'm in Orlando. It's my favorite Dr. Seuss book (that and Go, Dog, Go). Thanks for mentioning my poem about the Ravens. Still smarting over their loss :-(
Seuss Landing looks like such a fun place. I really like Thing 1 and Thing 2, and have Cat in the Hat on my kitchen mantle :).
Thanks for intersecting us all today !
I think I remember seeing a quilt recently where someone had used the words of a poem as the quilting pattern... but now I can't seem to find it. If I manage to remember where I saw it I'll send you the link...
Tabatha, thanks for all these great intersections, which beg revisiting!
Isn't the Seuss part of the theme park grand? We went a year ago to the World of Harry Potter, but I think I took as many pictures of the Seuss stuff as anything... ;0)
I've been to Orlando twice with my students, but the Seuss things were not there. I didn't know about them-whimsical of course. And I love your intersections, and looked at the former links of art & poetry. All so lovely and creative, but I especially liked "Keep calm and write a poem." I also looked back at Laura's ravens post-what a bad dream for Baltimore. As I saw us in Denver fall much more heavily to the Patriot, I was sorry Baltimore didn't win. Anyway, thank you Tabatha for showing me the intersections that I hadn't seen before.
Look at those photos - so glorious!! Wish we could also visit that place sometime soon. Would it be too much to ask for an entire theme park devoted to Seuss? Or Tim Burton? Haha. Like all the other comments shared, i like the intersections of poetry with a whole lot of other areas/disciplines. Finding poetry in the air should be a vocation, a lifelong one at that.
As your post clearly shows, poetry intersects with everything! I loved wandering through your intersections and losing myself in all the creativity. A glorious way to spend a Saturday morning.
I haven't clicked on all your links yet, but like you, I find the use of words in art very exciting, as is making art out of words. My favorite thing in this post is Elena's Seuss piece.
Thanks, Tabatha!
Just the fact that you find fascinating connections is what keeps me coming back here to learn and think and ponder and wonder!
Sorry about the poetry and t-shirts link being messed up -- I just fixed it.
Poems as quilting patterns, a Tim Burton theme park ... wow!
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