Cathe Holden's Just Something I Made freebies page has tons of printable digital images that you can use for gifts or art projects. For instance, she mentions using this stamp sheet as a cigar box doll bed quilt! Very creative. The stamps also reminded me of the bowl in this post.

* My first Freebies post has art that you could frame as a gift or use to make a journal cover, among other things.
* Instructables, Craft, and One Pretty Thing have lots of handmade gift suggestions.
* While I'm at it, here's a post about 10 ways to decorate with sheet music, which includes links to printable vintage sheet music. (Some of the decorations would make nice gifts.)
* A post about gift-giving from last year
* Making your own address labels, which could also be a gift
Updated on Nov. 11 to add: The Owl Barn lets you make your own customized owl calendars. Love!
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