~ Erin O'Brien
Snapping Turtle
By Will Sillin

From Old French Fairy Tales
"There were three months passing through the forest."
Illustration by Virginia Frances Sterret

This photo was taken by Sarah, but I'm not sure who the sculptor is

An illustration from The Mighty Orinoco by Jules Verne
Drawn by Tony George Roux

The Hare and the Tortoise
By Arthur Rackham

Charmeur de Tortues
by L. Crépon

Tribal Turtle
by Holly Kitaura

The title of this post comes from the Ralph Waldo Emerson quote:
All the thoughts of a turtle are turtle.
* To learn about turtles and how to help them, check out these links.
* Video of a turtle being drawn
* This turtle plate from Ernst Haeckel's Kunstformen der Natur would make a nice poster. In English, the title of the book is Art Forms of Nature. It's quite a beautiful resource.