Thursday, January 23, 2025

The Round-Up

The remarkable thing about Shakespeare is that he is really very good – in spite of all the people who say he is very good.
~Robert Graves

Happy Poetry Friday! Welcome! It's lovely to have you here.

Sending thanks to participants in Jone's New Year's Postcard Swap. I have enjoyed receiving your warmth and creativity on these cold days.

It's been a transformative week. What are you and I being transformed into? My hope is that we will become more clear-eyed, generous, imaginative, curious, and brave.

I thought about "stiffening the sinews" the other day, so I had to share Shakespeare's Henry V, Act III, Scene I [Once more unto the breach, dear friends]:

Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more;
Or close the wall up with our English dead!
In peace there's nothing so becomes a man,
As modest stillness and humility;
But when the blast of war blows in our ears,
Then imitate the action of the tiger:
Stiffen the sinews, conjure up the blood,
Disguise fair nature with hard-favoured rage:
Then lend the eye a terrible aspect;
Let it pry through the portage of the head,
Like the brass cannon; let the brow o'erwhelm it
As fearfully as doth a galled rock
O'erhang and jutty his confounded base,
Swill'd with the wild and wasteful ocean.
Now set the teeth and stretch the nostril wide;
Hold hard the breath and bend up every spirit
To his full height.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to my collection of brave poems (and to Elena, who formatted it)! You can read it online here and you can print it here. (Choose "print on both sides" and "short edge." Heidi also says that the print command is in the "little 3-dot dropdown," which is different than printing your own doc from your own Adobe account. If you have trouble printing from Adobe, let me know.)

I had thought I would pick my favorite poem to give the $50 Bookshop gift card to, but when it came down to it, I couldn't decide. Congrats to Irene, who was chosen by the random choice generator. Happy book shopping!

Isn't the image below cool? It's on a Wikipedia tshirt and says (in small letters) Free Knowledge For Everyone! I'm a huge fan of free knowledge in general and Wikipedia in specific, so I bought one of these tees for a family member. It was a hit with my kids and their SOs.

If you'd like to learn about how to keep info/anything on the Web safely archived, check out this DIY Web Archiving zine by Quinn Dombrowski, Tessa Walsh, Anna Kijas, Ilya Kremer, and Amanda Wyatt Visconti.

Time to add your link!


Amy LV said...

Thank you, dear Tabatha. I needed this post this week. I am no longer part of the Metaverse and hoping to learn to be a small kind of tiger in our corner of the real world.


" In peace there's nothing so becomes a man,
As modest stillness and humility;
But when the blast of war blows in our ears,
Then imitate the action of the tiger:"

Thank you. You always inspire. xo, a.

Michelle Kogan said...

Yes, and WOW, "Follow Your Spirit!" Onward we go! What a performance by Hiddleston, thanks for sharing it Tabatha, the poem, and the Marvelous "Brave Poetry Collection, Brava for all!! The" Free Knowledge" art is lovely–thanks also for hosting! xox

Matt Forrest Esenwine said...

Tom does a fantastic job, so thanks for sharing - and I'm looking forward to cehcking out your Brave Poetry Project! Thanks for hosting, Tabatha.

Karen Edmisten said...

Oh, Tabatha, I needed every inch and aspect of this post this week. Thank you, friend, thank you. ❤️

Jone MacCulloch said...

Tabatha, thank you for hosting, for the good info on archiving blog posts, and featuring the Brave Zine.

Linda B said...

Indeed, "bend up every spirit", needed & wanted very much after this week, Tabatha. Thank you for your "Brave" poems, will use them for a "one-a-day" tablet! And, I do love Wikipedia, too, have supported them for a long time! It's a rich post, and I thank you for the treasure, and for hosting!

KatApel - said...

What a stirring poetry performance. I wish I had his stage presence! I look forward to dipping into your Brave collection, Tabatha. (And reading about archiving blog posts.) Thank-you for hosting us. x

Carol Varsalona said...

Thanks for hosting, Tabatha. I am not ready to add my blog post yet. I am excited to read the Brave poems but can't find a way to print the zine. Thanks for adding my poem to the others. Another thanks and applause for the video you shared. What a great way for teachers to introduce Shakespeare. Have a great weekend.

Linda Mitchell said...

Good Morning, Tabatha! Somehow, I had Janice Scully noted as hosting today. Maybe there was a change or maybe I imagined it. Either way, I'm always happy to visit you at your blog. I did not make the deadline for Brave poems. My apologies. I started many and just didn't see any of them fall together in time. I look forward to the collection, though! I'm off to discover the goodness at the links in your post. Thanks so much for your deep thoughtfulness and generosity to this community. I benefit so much!

Marcie Flinchum Atkins said...

I missed the Brave poem deadline--my fault. I had it written down. I'm so glad to get to read others' poems though! Thank you for putting to together.

Heidi Mordhorst said...

Good morning to you, Tabatha, and gratitude for all the ways you fling yourself into the breaches, inviting us along with you. I'm another one who had a poem ready for you and then--while resting a while between sky and sea near my cousin in St. Croix--forgot to send it. I understand why others are disengaging from online life, but I myself can't do it yet, nor can dump myself in wholesale. What I can do is contribute to Free "Knowledge," free poetry for all, by publishing here there and everywhere, confetti! I hope that Poetry Pharmacy in England is dispensing without charge!

Mary Lee said...

Thank you, generous, brave, tiger-woman for hosting us this week, and for continuing to inspire us with your spirit and your actions! Special thanks for the Brave collection of poetry!

Patricia Franz said...

Tabatha --Thank you for for inspiring us with YOUR beautiful brave -- and for the creation of your ezine. People will look see me today and wonder as I "hold hard the breath and bend up every spirit/to his ful height."

Jan/bookseedstudio said...

Hi Tabatha & let me apologize for listing a different host for today prevously on my blog! Bravery is often unanticipated but arrives at the necessary moment. But reading Shakespeare's entreaty & seeing/hearing video performance, what a blast of Iron! Let's save that for any ancitipated joust. Congratulations on the Brave poems collection.
And, I'm a Wiki fan, too - you inspire me to do more to boost it. A T-riffic T!
Wild Winter Weather in Florida is my post, this time.

TraceyKJ said...

Tabetha, this post is like a caged tiger ready to burst! I adored your poetry zine. I am sure I will look to it again for courage in the coming year. Miss a week of Poetry Friday, and I miss a lot!

Margaret Simon said...

What a rich post that sent me down a rabbit hole. I have also put my head in the sand about so much that is happening, but I was moved by the Bishop of The National Cathedral who spoke up about compassion. We must turn to love and poetry. Thanks for hosting.

Sarah Grace Tuttle said...

Thank you a thousand times Tabatha, for singing so loudly this dark week.

mbhmaine said...

Thank you so much for sharing Shakespeare, Tabatha, and for collecting brave poems. I'm looking forward to checking out the collection--I had intended to contribute something, but simply didn't manage to do so. I'm striving to figure out how to "stiffen the sinews" and "imitate the action of the tiger." It's foreign to my nature but so essential right now. Thanks for hosting this week!

Rose Cappelli said...

Thanks for hosting, Tabatha, and for the opportunity to publish in your beautiful Brave zine. I will be savoring each morsel.

jama said...

Thank you for linking to my PF archive! Will return to regular blogging next week. :) Happy Weekend; the Shakespeare was perfect for this week.

Denise Krebs said...

Tabatha, what a great post. I finally had time to read through the Brave 'Zine and check out the links. You are amazing! I was touched by so many poems about bravery. Thank you for making things happen, Tabatha.

Sylvia Vardell said...

Thank you for hosting and sharing, Tabatha. I hope I'm not toooo late to join the Poetry Friday fun. I finally have my "sneak peek" list of forthcoming poetry titles for 2025 ready to share.