Thursday, August 22, 2024

The next Games

This medal is mainly for Yunidis Castillo. Yesterday she suffered a serious injury and I know that it is a bad moment for her now. It has happened to me before so I know how she feels.
We are all humans, we spend almost all our career together so when a teammate suffers, I suffer too.
~Omara Durand, Paralympic gold medallist

Happy Poetry Friday! I am excited that the Paralympics are starting soon (August 28-September 8) . The sports are: Para Archery, Para Athletics, Para Badminton, Blind football, Boccia, Para Canoe, Para Cycling, Para Equestrian, Goalball, Para Judo, Para Powerlifting, Para Rowing, Shooting Para Sport, Sitting Volleyball, Para Swimming, Para Table Tennis, Para Taekwondo, Para Triathlon, Wheelchair Basketball, Wheelchair Fencing, Wheelchair Rugby, and Wheelchair Tennis.

Guide Dog
by Ona Gritz

He's a celebrity on trains,
an unexpected guest at restaurants
where he lies still as the table legs
that frame his sprawled form.
There's a jaunt to his walk
as he guides you past sign posts,
weaves through rush hour streets
so that no one so much as brushes
your sleeve. That's your best friend...

read the rest here


Previous Paralympic posts

A collection of picture books featuring disabled athletes on Instagram (The KidLit Mama)

Imagine the Possibilities has the Poetry Friday round-up. Thanks, Rose!


KatApel - said...

I'm so glad there is a period between Olympics and Paralympics - because I for sure needed that break from a screen. Now gearing up for more sporting excellence and excellent sportsmanship!

Rose Cappelli said...

Wonderful tribute to the Paralympics, Tabatha. Those athletes are incredible and so inspiring.

Linda B said...

I have a blogger friend whose daughter will be there in the swimming events, so looking forward to it! Your poem shows that people don't always know what they think they know, maybe a nice way to say, find out? Thanks, Tabatha!

Patricia Franz said...

Love the guide dog as a reminder: "I am the boss of me" and Paralympics as a reminder: I am.

Denise Krebs said...

Tabatha, I enjoyed looking through your other posts. Thank you for the education. I think I need to go and watch Crip Camp now, and some Paraolympics. I appreciated the "Guide Dog" poem, and then smiled at the end.

Mary Lee said...

Thanks for spotlighting the Paraolympics and Ona Gritz's poems. The third one was gut-wrenching.

Janice Scully said...

The lovely poem you shared reminded me of a friend’s Golden retriever that was trained as a hospice dog. He stole my heart. I am in awe of the special olympians. Thanks for writing about it.

Karen Edmisten said...

Wonderful, Tabatha.

Robyn Hood Black said...

Love your celebration of these amazing athletes, Tabatha - and I love Linda B's aptly worded response to the poem: " Your poem shows that people don't always know what they think they know, maybe a nice way to say, find out? " There is much I could learn and find out, I know. Go Team USA!

Carol Varsalona said...

Tabatha, thank you for reminding me of the starting date for the Paralympics. When my son was in grade school he raced in Long Island's Games for the Physically Challenged and won gold medals in swimming every year. He did aspire to join the paralympic group but as he grew older he had to devote time to his schooling. The poems on the site you linked are very interesting. PS: thank you for your poem swap. I was very happy to receive your poem and beautiful artwork card.