Thursday, August 29, 2024

Stronger than an airplane wing

Maybe what we can do when we feel overwhelmed is to start small. Start with what we have loved as kids and see where that leads us.
~Aimee Nezhukumatathil

Happy Poetry Friday! I am thinking about a well-loved bird today...and especially about voting.

One Vote
by Aimee Nezhukumatathil

After reading a letter from his mother, Harry T. Burn cast the deciding vote to ratify the 19th amendment of the U.S. Constitution

My parents are from countries
where mangoes grow wild and bold
and eagles cry the sky in arcs and dips.
America loved this bird too and made

it clutch olives and arrows. Some think
if an eaglet falls, the mother will swoop
down to catch it. It won’t. The eagle must fly...

read the rest here


Chicken Spaghetti has the Poetry Friday round-up. Thanks, Susan!


Rose Cappelli said...

Thank you for sharing Aimee's lovely poem, Tabatha.

Denise Krebs said...

Tabatha, thank you for sharing Aimee's poem. Yes, to the power of one. I love "every bright thing" at the end of her poem.

"And even one letter, one
vote can make the difference for every bright thing."

Marcie Flinchum Atkins said...

Aimee is one of my all-time favorite poets (she's an amazing essayist too). Harry T. Burn's mother is featured in the musical Suffs. Her letter to her son changed our history.

Jane @ said...

My grandfather escaped from a country where the right to vote was taken away - I was raised to believe that if we have the ability to vote, especially in safety, we have a moral responsibility to do so. Especially as a woman - so many incredible women gave so much for me to have this freedom, and so many of my fellow women can only dream of being to cast their ballot. <3

Linda B said...

I know the story of the letter but not the poem, so glad to now have it, Tabatha, "even one letter, one/vote", I love reading Jane's comment, know that so many through the years have fought & died for our country, for others, too. My father, WWII pilot, was one of them, & many family members were in the military through the wars up to Iraq. Time to get to work! Thank you!

Patricia Franz said...

Wow, yes. The power of one vote. And eagles will soar. Thank you for reminding us, Tabatha.

Linda Mitchell said...

Oh, my goodness...yes, this. The power of one vote, the strength of eagle wings, the possibility. Thank you, Tabatha!

Mary Lee said...

vote can make the difference for every bright thing."

Karen Edmisten said...

Echoing with another YES!