Thursday, August 15, 2024


Instinct is the nose of the mind.
~Delphine de Girardin

I'm a bit obsessed with noses (aka honkers, sniffers, and snoots) this week because I haven't been able to breathe out of mine since I had a procedure done last week. Looking forward to improved breathing!

It's amazing I hadn't heard of the Bird of Self-Knowledge before now!

The popular proverb "Nimm dich selbst bei der Nase" ("take yourself by your nose"), also called "Vogel Selbsterkenntnis" (Bird of self-knowledge) by an unidentified painter

"Go within yourself and know yourself!" "Have the courage to use your own understanding!"

Die Wachauer Nase (i.e. The Wachau Nose), a sculpture by Gelitin artists Group in Austria. A giant is interred there so that only his nose is above the surface.
photo by Schurdl

Herb Conn doing maintenance work on Mount Rushmore
U.S. Dept. of Interior photo

The Soul of the Rose, 1903
John William Waterhouse

Lizardi Saucedo


Harry said...

Hope you can breathe better soon!

LOVED The Soul of the Rose, 1903 by Waterhouse.

jlcjbuzz said...

Ha! I saw the Wachau Nose from our river cruise ship up the Rhine last fall! Incredible!