Thursday, May 16, 2024


Every day is a journey, and the journey itself is home.
Matsuo Bashō

Thinking about shelter we carry with us...For Poetry Friday, a haiku by Bashō (1644–1694). He wrote it on the rim of his homemade traveling hat!

Under this world's long rains,
here passes
poetry's makeshift shelter.
The deadline for letting me know if you want to join the Summer Poem Swap is tomorrow (May 17th)!!

Addendum: is he poetry's shelter or is poetry his shelter? Or both?

Patricia J. Franz has the Poetry Friday round-up. Thanks, Patricia!


Patricia Franz said...

Basho goes deep, doesn't he! Poetry's makeshift shelter is within us? Makeshift, temporary, awaiting to find its home on a page? or on the rim of a hat. Thank you Tabatha.

Denise Krebs said...

Ah, the shelter of poetry. Such a beautiful poem. It makes me stop and think a lot! Beautiful.

Mary Lee said...

Never-ending rains today in Ohio. Poetry will shelter under my hat/hood/umbrella.

But beyond the literal, I've been thinking lots about the fraying and decaying of humanity and our need to nurture (shelter) all the best of what makes us human: art, music, poetry, gardening, here's to ALL the various and sundry makeshift shelters.

Janice Scully said...

I love thinking of poetry as a shelter. Wonderful haiku. It's awesome how work from long ago resonates still because of our humanity.

TraceyKJ said...

Comforting to think of all the different shelters that we carry with us - both physical and emotional!

Linda B said...

It's a good thing to read of someone we so revere believes in poetry as his shelter, too. Thanks, Tabatha!

jama said...

So cool. Love the hat and the idea of poetry as a shelter we carry with us. Thanks!

Karen Eastlund said...

I love this, Tabatha. A great prompt also...

Michelle Kogan said...

Both, he's the shelter for poetry and poetry shelters him, and definitely a cool hat thanks Tabatha!

Rose Cappelli said...

I need some shelter from the many rainy days we've had. Perhaps I'll find it in a poem.

Linda Mitchell said...

I love to save your posts for early mornings when I can contemplate--this haiku is perfect for today. So much rain lately. But, that has turned into some creative writing. Poetry shelter for the win!

Karen Edmisten said...

I'm voting for poetry-as-shelter. I know how often I turn to it for shelter, consolation, and to know I'm not alone. :)

Carol Varsalona said...

Tabatha, your post reminded me that I never answered your about how many Summer Poetry Swaps and dates I will participate in. Your thought about taking it easy would be a good plan for me. I was discharged from the hospital on Wednesday and am moving slowly trying to build back strength. Last week's blog post from the hospital explains why I was there for an extended stay. I would like to participate in the 5th Swap. If I feel up to more, may I let you know. Thanks.