Thursday, October 19, 2023

Turning back to surprise

Samhain. All Hallows. All Hallow’s Eve. Hallow E’en. Halloween. The most magical night of the year.
~Mike Nichols

Poetry Friday greetings! I have had a good day -- Ariana's medical treatment was approved (the denial was overturned). It is criminal that our health depends on the whims of people whose primary concern is $, but that's all I'm going to say about that.

Elena and I had fun shopping for Halloween decorations. Our favorite item was a Bride of Frankenstein bust with glowing red eyes. (Photo next week.) Today's poems are a mix of spooky and supportive.

from Incantation
by George Parsons Lathrop


A Blessing on the Poets
by Annie Finch

Patient earth-diggers, impatient fire-makers,
Hungry word-takers and roving sound-lovers,
Sharers and savers, musers and achers,
You who are open to hide or uncover,
Time-keepers and –haters, wake-sleepers, sleep-wakers:
May language’s language, the silence that lies
Under each word, move you over and over,
Turning you, wondering, back to surprise.


Wee Words for Wee Ones has the Poetry Friday round-up. Thanks, Bridget! Happy Birthday!

P.S. Want to sign up for the Holiday Poem Swap? There's still time!


Bridget Magee said...

Yay for Ariana's treatment approval! Thank you for your fun dose of sportively spooky this week. (I look forward to seeing that red-eyed bust.) "Hungry word-takers and roving sound-lovers" sums up poets perfectly. :)

Irene Latham said...

Hooray for the Ariana good news! Yes yes yes to being blessed by surprise. xo

Linda B said...

I'm happy for Ariana with the approval but do wonder why it can be such a trial to get the care one needs, yes, $ & power is an answer. I love the rhythm of that first poem, Tabatha, imagine it as a daunting whisper! The second, all those actions by poets, marvelous. Time to celebrate!

Tracey Kiff-Judson said...

Tabetha, I couldn't agree more with you on the state of our healthcare system. I am happy for you that things worked out this time. Spoooooooky post! I can't wait to see what you have brewing for next week!

Denise Krebs said...

Tabatha, sweet poems you shared today. In "A Blessing on the Poets" I really appreciate the list of poets like "Hungry word=takers and roving sound-lovers" Thank you for hosting the Holiday Poem Swap.

Mary Lee said...

Hooray for the medical approval! Hooray for your perseverance and persistence!

And thank you for the blessing. I'm copying it into my notebook right now!

Rose Cappelli said...

Happy news and wonderful words. Thank you!

Patricia Franz said...

ooh...the silence that lies under words... potent.
Have fun shopping!

Janice Scully said...

After spending time recently in foggy California where my son's house was often enveloped with misty fog, I appreciated the Lathrop verse you shared. Fog, like darkness, does make us turn to inward thoughts. Love the wordplay in the Finch poem, such a vivid description of what poets do. Thanks for sharing these.

Michelle Kogan said...

YAY for Ariana and you and your perseverance!!! Big sigh for all the rest regarding our health providing or lack of…
That's quite a poem from Lathrop perfect image too! Wonderful word, sound, and rhythms today in your offerings, thanks Tabatha!

Carol Labuzzetta said...

Tabatha, I am so glad to hear of Ariana's treatment approval. I wish so many of our systems - health care, education, and politics were not broken. The spooky Halloween poems are a welcome respite from all of that! Thanks!