The time to relax is when you don't have time for it.
~Sydney J. Harris
I started knitting last November, not long after the election. I am not expecting to be "good" at it-- I just like to do it because it calms me down. The other day, as I was picking up my "therapy scarf," a video popped up about AOC knitting. [Some people thought she shouldn't be knitting (???) and another person was coming to her defense.]
The name of this post means "Freedom" in Gaidhlig (Scottish Gaelic). Freedom to relax how you want, freedom to think outside the lines.
For Art Thursday, nontraditional knitting:
Social Knitwork
Friedenauer Brücke, Berlin-Schöneberg, Deutschland
Home-knitted protective cover for old tractor
by Beiarn Handicraft Society, Beiarn, Nordland, Norway.
photo by Frankemann
Ik en mijn Brei Art bike Boelenslaan
Knitted egg cozies in blue and yellow demonstrate for peace in Ukraine
The Swabian Alb as seen across the Wurmlingen Chappel and the Rammert
Heidrun Liegmann (Knitter)
Rainer Halama
Knitted graffiti in Kiryat Hamelacha
by Liza Mamali
photo by Nizzan Cohen
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