Thursday, October 22, 2009

At the Walters

Visiting the Walters Museum in my adopted state of Maryland.

Village on the Bank of a Stream
by Frits Thaulow, circa 1897

So, what are these jars for?
"This set of canopic jars was made to contain the internal organs removed from the body during the mummification process. The four sons of the god Horus were believed to protect these organs. The jackal-headed Duamutef protected the stomach; the falcon-headed Qebehsenuef, the intestines; the baboon-headed Hapi, the lungs; and human-headed Imsety, the liver."
A Complete Set of Canopic Jars
by Anonymous (Egyptian) circa 900-800 B.C.E.

The Duel after the Masquerade
by Jean-Leon Gerome, circa 1858

The original L'Amour et L'Amitie was made out of marble by Jean-Baptiste Pigalle and is now at the Louvre. When a second one was commissioned, Pigalle, age 69, allowed his younger colleague to cast it.
L'Amour et L'Amitie (Love and Friendship)
by Claude Dejoux, circa 1783

The Potato Harvest
by Jean-Francois Millet, 1855

~ I also like Millet's The Sheepfold, Moonlight.
~ This piece has a lovely name: A Bon Vinaigre by Paul Gavarni. It comes from an expression: "The good wine makes the good vinegar," meaning that one can make a good thing only from a thing which is good already.
~ Cool Chinese wine pots.
~ Learn about (ancient) Art History here.

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