This series of posts considers What would fictional characters' favorite poets/poems be?
Today's guests are Jama Rattigan of Jama's Alphabet Soup and Laura Shovan of Author Amok. Jama says:
The character I have chosen is Mrs. Patmore, the cook, from "Downton Abbey."

My favorite scenes from the series take place in the kitchen (big surprise), and as she is a little plump and very cuddly and huggable, somehow I associate her with nursery rhymes, like "Simple Simon," or "Polly Put the Kettle On." As she is a quintessential British cook, I think she'd also appreciate A.A. Milne's "Cottleston Pie" and "The King's Breakfast." I can hear her reciting these as she kneads dough or stirs soup in one of her big kettles.
A little Cottleston Pie for you:
Recipe time!
* Cottleston Pie
* Mrs. Patmore’s Infamous Raspberry Meringue Pudding.
* Mrs. Patmore's Sauté Chicken Lyonnaise (scroll down).
Plus a song: "Polly Put the Kettle On" by the Carolina Chocolate Drops.
Laura Shovan chose the character Auntie Mame from Patrick Dennis' Auntie Mame. Laura says:

For Auntie Mame, I have two poems: "Barter" by Sara Teasdale and "The Passionate Freudian to His Love" by Dorothy Parker. The early chapters of Auntie Mame mention that she has a signed copy of Teasdale's book. Presumably, they are friends. I would NOT have picked Teasdale for Mame otherwise, but I think Mame would appreciate the "a moment of loveliness/splendor is worthy giving up a lifetime of peace" theme.
by Sara Teasdale
Life has loveliness to sell,
All beautiful and splendid things,
Blue waves whitened on a cliff,
Soaring fire that sways and sings,
And children's faces looking up,
Holding wonder like a cup.
Life has loveliness to sell,
Music like the curve of gold,
Scent of pine trees in the rain,
Eyes that love you, arms that hold,
And for your spirit's still delight,
Holy thoughts that star the night.
Spend all you have for loveliness,
Buy it and never count the cost;
For one white singing hour of peace
Count many a year of strife well lost,
And for a breath of ecstasy
Give all you have been, or could be.
Of course, I had to find a Dorothy Parker poem for Auntie Mame. They would have been frenemies, for sure. Both women are known for their wit. Mame would appreciate this one because it skewers popular psychology. Auntie Mame would be the first to jump on a budding trend, like psychoanalysis. But she's also magnificent in her ability to see through anyone's pretenses -- save her own.
an excerpt of The Passionate Freudian to His Love
by Dorothy Parker
While the pale moon gleams, we will dream sweet dreams,
And I'll win your admiration,
For it's only fair to admit I'm there
With a mean interpretation.
In the sunrise glow we will whisper low
Of the scenes our dreams have painted,
And when you're advised what they symbolized
We'll begin to feel acquainted.
So we'll gaily float in a slumber boat
Where subconscious waves dash wildly;
In the stars' soft light, we will say good-night—
And “good-night!” will put it mildly.
Thank you to Jama and Laura for sharing their Fictional Favorites! Another thanks to Laura for having me on her blog today!
Also, I'm sharing a poem video by my daughter at Savvy Verse and Wit. Please stop by!
I'm going to "diverge" from my regular Friday Fictional Favorites and have them multiple days next week -- I'm offering poems for the five factions in Divergent by Veronica Roth. Do you know what faction you would join? Maybe these Fictional Favorites will help you decide...

Diane at Random Noodling is our Poetry Friday host.
Squee! What fun!
Love the recipes (didn't know about that blog).
Tickled to be paired with Laura today. It's always a good day with a little Dorothy Parker and Sara Teasdale. I think Auntie Mame and Mrs. Pattmore would get along great, don't you?
Thanks, Tabatha :).
Love this idea and the blends of these characters with these poems! Well chosen!!
This is a great series, Tabatha! And recipes, too! Nice...
So much to say thank you for, Tabatha. What a marvelous way to start the day with a Muppet and Cottleston Pie plus Sara Teasdale. Who would have ever imagined it except on Poetry Friday? Thanks for all, & I am intrigued by your next week's plans!
A delicious and delightful way to start the morning - thank you, Tabatha, Jama, and Laura! I love your choices today. (And I agree with Linda - such unexpected combinations!)
I love these combinations -- what a clever idea. I can't wait to see what you pair with Divergent.
This series is so much fun! It always gets me thinking in unexpected new directions.
Both great choices! Barter is one of my all-time favorites, and I can just hear Mrs. Patmore rhyming as she works!
Wonderful choices! I am only in Episode 1 and Season 1 of Downton Abbey - for some reason, my husband didn't take as much a liking to it as I did, so my viewing has been indefinitely postponed. My favorite among your poem choices though is The Passionate Freudian to his love (for psychological reasons hehehe). I like the notion of 'subconscious waves' dashing wildly. :) Very primal!
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