Monday, September 16, 2024

Rock and roll vocalizations

Our mystical throat singing, special elemental vocals, enchanting sounds of vargan (jaw harp), khomys, morinhur, leather drums will take you to the wild, northern thickets of the Siberian taiga.

For Music Monday, Otyken:

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Lanterns in my words

Out of the fire comes firmness, through stress we pass to strength.
~Charles F. Binns

Happy Poetry Friday! Today's poem mixes music, pottery, poetry, defiance, and positivity. It's a lot, but it holds holds holds.

Praise Dave
by Glenis Redmond

Enslaved potter-poet
Edgefield, SC

First time I see a jar rise up,
I be midwifed into life.

Understood how these pots and I be kin
––dismissed to what’s under foot.

I learned to turn and turn––
people the world with pots.

I pour my need into the knead
until forty thousand around me crowd,

but everything I love, I lose
so I want what I mold to hold.

Even my empty pots
be full. One say:

I wonder where is all my relation
Friendship to all and every nation.

There are lanterns in my words––
every story got another story.

Some call me Dave the slave, if that’s all they got,
I say leave the rhymes to me.

When people look at me, a slave be...

read the rest here


My Juicy Little Universe has the Poetry Friday round-up. Thanks, Heidi!

A vital public good

A vibrant, rich, growing corpus of public-domain books is a vital public good - similar to parks, the infrastructure of basic services, and other hallmarks of any advanced society.
~Tom Peters

For Art Thursday, images from the Public Domain Review:

The Circulating Library
George Spratt, ca. 1830

Owl with Two Owlets Sitting on Branch
Henri De Groux, 1895

Study of a Hand with Needle
Henricus Wilhelmus Couwenberg, ca. 1830

The Mansion of the Plates
Katsushika Hokusai, ca. 1830

The Night-Blowing Cereus
Robert John Thornton, 1807

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Big Ocean

Right now, the concepts of disability and non-disability are separated, but ultimately, we want to see a world where those boundaries are erased.
~Park Hyun-jin of Big Ocean

For belated Music Monday, Big Ocean, a Korean pop band who is HoH (Hard-of-hearing)/Deaf. I heard about them on my Instagram feed, which thanks to my interest in the Paralympics, is now full of cool people with disabilities. I love that a deaf Kpop band exists.

From an article in The Korea Times by Pyo Kyung-min:
“The three of us have different levels of hearing ability,” Kim says. “During recording, we often struggle to stay on beat because we can’t hear the rhythm of the track clearly. It’s hard to fix this on our own, so we rely on the staff’s hand signals to help us stay in sync.”

“Tuning our voices is also challenging,” Park adds. “We use an app that helps us match our pitch and then we memorise the amount of muscle effort needed to produce each note. It’s not easy to remember the muscle tension required to hit the right notes, so we focus a lot of our training on that.”

...For choreography rehearsals, they use a smartwatch-style metronome that provides pulse feedback through vibration, along with a visual metronome on a monitor that helps maintain rhythm with light cues.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Don't lie awake

Few delights can equal the presence of one whom we trust utterly.
~George MacDonald

This has been Heather Maloney week on the blog. I shared a Maloney performance for Music Monday and I'm sharing her again (a different song) for Poetry Friday... these lyrics are so poetic! Check them out:

Hey, hey baby, I'm your picnic blanket
Give me your crumbs, give me your drips, give me your bugs
Hey, hey baby, I'm your mud-room floor
Give me your street-dust, give me your beach-sand, give me your rain
Hey, hey baby, I'm your nightstand drawer
Give me your secrets, give me your longings, give me a chance
To hold these things

I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna sell it to the papers. No, and
I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna spin em' into stories. And
I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna use it as ammunition, no
I just wanna hold...


Buffy Silverman has the Poetry Friday round-up today. Thanks, Buffy!

Koishikawa tea house

Tea is the magic key to the vault where my brain is kept.
~Frances Hardinge

I've been thinking about tea because Elena is having a tea party tomorrow.

Tea house at Koishikawa. The morning after a snowfall
Katsushika Hokusai

P.S. I just finished A Face Like Glass by Frances Hardinge (who is quoted above). So good! Would love to read more by her.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

We are golden

Can I walk beside you
I have come here to lose the smog
And I feel to be a cog in something turning
~Joni Mitchell

Hi y'all! I forgot to post something for Music Monday! Here are Darlingside and Heather Maloney playing "Woodstock" by Joni Mitchell:

As long as we're golden...Curtis Aaron, Velorisa, Jscott 'The Glove' Martin, Ben Goodman, and Louis Nelson playing "Golden" by Jill Scott: