Friday, April 25, 2008

Cats and Calendars

Stanley Cat
By Laura Shovan

Stanley Cat the food critic
Walked into Ed’s Café

Disguised in sunglasses and a wig,
Notebook hidden under his beret.

“I’m sick and tired of fish and fowl.”
He told the waitress, Sue.

She said, “Our specials are spaghetti
And turtle eggs from Timbuktu.”

“Nutritious dishes, sound delicious,”
Stan purred. “Slap some pasta down!”

Sue, the clumsy waitress, slipped.
Stan left with a spaghetti crown.

Stanley Cat by TAY


Here is a totally cool idea from Education World for making a class Poetry Calendar. Individuals could also make a poetry calendar -- it would be a terrific birthday or holiday gift for a writer/reader/teacher/poetry enthusiast!

Education World's plan:

Arrange students into pairs or small groups and assign each a month. Have students find the names of five poets who were born in his or her group's assigned month, and record on a piece of paper, each poet's birthday and the titles of 1-2 poems by that poet. (Students should read the poems as well.)

Ask students to share with their groups the information they find, eliminating duplicate poets. The goal is to end up with 8-12 unique birthdays per group. Then invite each student to read to the group his or her favorite poem.

After listening to the poems, each group should to decide which poet and what image to feature for the month. The image should represent the month (in terms of seasons, holidays, and so on) and the month's poets or their poems.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

JMW Turner

I have seen JMW Turner's works in person a couple of times and they knock my socks off.

Transept of Ewenny Priory, Glamorganshire, circa 1797
By Joseph Mallord William Turner

What he could do with light!

Turner lesson plans from the Tate in London

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Awake Her Not

Here we have a painting circa 1910 by Emma Florence Harrison.

Ms. Harrison illustrated many of Christina Rossetti's poems, so this work is presumably an illustration for Rossetti's Dream Land.

Dream Land
By Emma Florence Harrison

The opening to Dream Land by Christina Rossetti:

Where sunless rivers weep
Their waves into the deep,
She sleeps a charmed sleep:
Awake her not.

Friday, April 11, 2008

A World May Be No Bigger Than Two-pence

Margaret Cavendish

Of Many Worlds in This World
by Margaret Cavendish (1623-1673)
Just like as in a nest of boxes round,
Degrees of sizes in each box are found:
So, in this world, may many others be
Thinner and less, and less still by degree:
Although they are not subject to our sense,
A world may be no bigger than two-pence.
Nature is curious, and such works may shape,
Which our dull senses easily escape:
For creatures, small as atoms, may there be,
If every one a creature’s figure bear.
If atoms four, a world can make, then see
What several worlds might in an ear-ring be:
For, millions of those atoms may be in
The head of one small, little, single pin.
And if thus small, then ladies may well wear
A world of worlds, as pendents in each ear.

Poet Trivia:
Margaret Cavendish, a.k.a. the Duchess of Newcastle, wrote one of the earliest examples of science fiction (The Blazing World).

Friday, April 4, 2008

A Blank White Page

I might use this for Poem in Your Pocket Day (April 17th)...

A Blank White Page
by Francisco X. Alarcón

A blank white page
is a meadow
after a snowfall
that a poem
hopes to cross