Fort Mifflin
by Colette Fu

Academy of Music
by Colette Fu

Golden Doorway
By Ingrid Siliakus

Inner-Outer Space
By Ingrid Siliakus

~An amazing high schooler's work.
~There's been a lot of love for David Carter's bugs at my house. David and Noelle Carter's site has a lot of "make it yourself" pdfs (my favorite: the noisemaker) in their "Surprise" section. They also have videos you can watch to see how to use the pdfs.
~Making Pop-up Art/A Tunnel Book.
~How to Make a Pop-up Pyramid.
~Birds and Bees from The Pop-Up World of Ann Moranaro. Ms. Moranaro is a wonderful resource about pop-ups. The Birds and Bees page just happens to be my favorite, but feel free to look around!
~The Pop-up Lady, who created an Inaugural Pop-Up.
~Visit NPR's piece on Robert Sabuda's Alice in Wonderland to see some great photos of the book actually being made (in the factory).
~If you want to delve deeper, you could join the Movable Book Society.
~OK, I thought I was done, but I have to add just one more (a book): Pop-Up Paper Engineering Cross-Curricular Activities.
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