Thursday, January 22, 2009

Movable Books

This week, pop-up art! (There are more terms, such as movable books, paper engineering, and paper architecture, so if you want to look it up yourself, you might want to try those.) There are quite a few links below the images if you'd like to learn about them and how to make your own pop-ups.

Fort Mifflin
by Colette Fu
Ms. Fu says, "Fort Mifflin is inspired by photographs of a supposedly haunted casemate at Fort Mifflin where a Civil War prisoner, Billy Howe was held (and executed)." Ms. Fu combined the casemate with a brain responding to stimuli, such as fear, to show how the brain's primal reaction can make rational thought difficult.

Academy of Music
by Colette Fu
Ms. Fu explains that this pop-up was influenced by descriptions of "imaginary audiences," both unseen observers that people, particularly women, imagine are judging them and ghostly audience members.

Golden Doorway
By Ingrid Siliakus

Inner-Outer Space
By Ingrid Siliakus

~An amazing high schooler's work.
~There's been a lot of love for David Carter's bugs at my house. David and Noelle Carter's site has a lot of "make it yourself" pdfs (my favorite: the noisemaker) in their "Surprise" section. They also have videos you can watch to see how to use the pdfs.
~Making Pop-up Art/A Tunnel Book.
~How to Make a Pop-up Pyramid.
~Birds and Bees from The Pop-Up World of Ann Moranaro. Ms. Moranaro is a wonderful resource about pop-ups. The Birds and Bees page just happens to be my favorite, but feel free to look around!
~The Pop-up Lady, who created an Inaugural Pop-Up.
~Visit NPR's piece on Robert Sabuda's Alice in Wonderland to see some great photos of the book actually being made (in the factory).
~If you want to delve deeper, you could join the Movable Book Society.
~OK, I thought I was done, but I have to add just one more (a book): Pop-Up Paper Engineering Cross-Curricular Activities.

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