Monday, August 23, 2021

Wellbeing resources

I am not a teacher, but an awakener.
~Robert Frost

Mast Cell Action has some free printable well-being resources for families and adults that could be helpful as we start the school year.

I love the Wellbeing Bucket.
What fills your bucket?
(Consider: what you do well, what you enjoy, who/what supports you)

What puts holes in your bucket?
(Write down: negative thoughts or people, worries, unhelpful behaviours)

What plugs the holes?
(List: what makes you feel better?)

Another cool one is the Ball of Wool:

* Label each different coloured string as an intrusive thought or worry.
* Jumble them up into a ball.
* Talk about how it feels to look at them all jumbled up (e.g. confusing, overwhelming, hard to see or know where to start).
* Start pulling them apart makes and notice if this makes them feel easier to see and appear more manageable.
* Reflect on this with the participant.

1 comment:

Pop said...

That Wellbeing Bucket is a great idea.