Thursday, May 23, 2024

Window    door

It takes generosity to discover the whole through others. If you realize you are only a violin, you can open yourself up to the world by playing your role in the concert.
~Jacques Yves Cousteau

Dear Denise helped me remember that I have a word (OLW) for the year! I had to look up what it was! It's so easy to forget what happened in January by the time May rolls around, haha. My word is "Open," so I am turning back to that for Poetry Friday.

For Poetry Friday, a musical poem by Charles Ghigna from The Father Goose Treasury of Poetry. Thanks, Charles!


Let's build a poem
   made of rhyme
   with words like ladders
   we can climb,
   with words that like
   to take their time,

   words that hammer,
   words that nail,
   words that saw,
   words that sail,
   words that whisper,
   words that wail,

   words that open
   window     door,
   words that sing,
   words that soar,
   words that leave us
   wanting more.


More Art 4 All has the Poetry Friday round-up. Thanks, Michelle!


  1. Oh, Tabatha, what a lovely post. Thanks for the shoutout! (And for not revealing how I reminded you! haha) This poem by Charles is so lyrical and fun to read. Thanks for sharing it. I love that Jacques Cousteau "It takes generosity to discover the whole through others." Yes, here's to being open to being a part of the whole. I like your "open" art.

  2. Thank you for sharing this poem, Tabetha. It’s fun and frolicking words do indeed leave us wanting more! (And now I am really curious about how Denise reminded you!)

  3. Well, I'm glad you remembered, Tabatha, so you could bring us this wonderful poem by Charles. I have read it before, only regretting I couldn't share it with students. "Words that open" quite a lot, right? Have a nice weekend!

  4. Nice to read Charles's poem again -- such a wonderful anthology. Like that Cousteau quote too.

  5. Such an inviting, and uplifting poem, thanks for finding your OLW "OPEN" and sharing Charles poem Tabatha! Thanks also for the moving Cousteau quote and lovely pic!

  6. Wonderful, Tabatha - Charles's Treasury is a treasure. Thanks for sharing this poem which offers a door, or a window, for any imagination... Glad Denise opened the door to a little reminder for you, however she did it. ;0)

  7. Oh yes! Let's build a poem! What a joyful poem to include today, Tabatha. Here's to more OPEN in the coming months.

  8. Thank you for being OPEN about forgetting your OLW! So relatable! And yes to words that will build a way to heal our world through poetry.

  9. Nearly halfway through the year is a perfect spot for restarting and remembering the intentions and words with which we began. Here's to being OPEN to the joy of new beginnings.

  10. Such a great quote from Cousteau, a reminder to consider what our gifts are and share make sure to them with others. Loved reading Charles’ poem!

  11. Tabatha, Charles Ghigna's poem is delightful. It is good to see you reflecting on your OLW, open. Jacques Yves Cousteau's quote is inspirations. Here's to believing in the power of a year-long one word. Enjoy the weekend.

  12. Tabatha, the comment above is from me-CVarsalona.

  13. January feels like a world away, doesn't it? And what a poetic delight you've shared with us this week.

  14. Oh, Tabatha, how beautifully our posts and themes mesh this week! Thanks for reminding me to return to my OLW (which I forgot to blog about, and yes, January seems like a lifetime ago!) The Cousteau quote is perfect, and Charles's poem is such fun. xo
