Thursday, May 23, 2024


He let his imagination run wild and in the process more accurately predicted the technological and social developments of our contemporary world than any other forecaster of his time.
~Robert Hendrick about Albert Robida

For Art Thursday, illustrations by Albert Robida (1848-1926), who imagined Zoom dating, smart doorbells, and the Hyperloop.

"Maison tournante aérienne": One of the artist's conceptions for his book on life in the upcoming twentieth century
Robida, Albert, 1848-1926

Sortie de l'opéra en l'an 2000
Albert Robida

Poster for The Extraordinary Adventures of Saturnino Farandola
Albert Robida

Illustration pour "Mesdames nos aïeules"
Albert Robida

Recueil de nouvelles, illustrées par Albert Robida
Octave Uzanne - Bibliothèque nationale de France

1 comment:

  1. Very cool guy...and wonderful illustrations. Loved the first illustration and got a kick out of the underwater gun fight. :-)
