Friday, August 6, 2021

Postcard Poems

I love that works of art are printed so that anyone can buy them. The variety of what they put on little postcards astounds me.
~Leonard Lauder

Happy Poetry Friday, y'all! Popping in quickly to share a collaborative effort:

* the lines are from Jeanne Griggs' delightful new book
* I pulled them from their respective poems and made a found poem
* Elena took the photos

As always, you're helping out by being here. Thanks!

In the mailbox, I received
the first sight of palmettos,
live chipmunks from the garden,
a cold Ohio lake telling stories
with people running in and out,
books under the bed,
supplies for a lonely winter.

Postcard Poems
by Jeanne Griggs


A(nother) Year of Reading has the Poetry Friday round-up. Thanks, Mary Lee!


  1. Tabatha, thank you for sharing the Postcard Poems book by Jeanne Griggs. . I like what you and Elena did with your found poem. Sweet! That quote that starts your post is great too. I used to collect postcards, so this whole post resonates with me.

  2. I am in love with your collaboration with Elena! SO fun! I have a bunch of vintage postcards that have been passed down but have hit a dead end with me and so might need to be made into some kind of poetry-art!

  3. Oooooh! How neat. What fun, playing with a poem like that. It's beautiful!

  4. I love what you've done with the place!

  5. Thanks for showing this book. I would love to read Griggs' work as I always think before I travel that I'd somehow document places with short poems. What a sweet poetic video, that makes me think it was taken on the moon.

  6. Such fun to see you and Elena playing with poetry and creativity. Everyone's a winner with books under the bed!

  7. Such a fun and creative project for you and Elena. Thanks for sharing. My wheels are turning for a project with my students inspired by this.

  8. Tabatha, you inspired me to pull out my antique postcard collection and create some founds poem art. I enjoyed your collaborative effort and the poem you created. I hope you take a look at the wonderful comments made about the very special poem swap you sent me (at my blogpost). I loved everything about the gift you sent.

  9. How very wonderful to discover this book along with you! The lines you chose tell the slightest of travel stories, and your final line is the perfect summary. I'll look for this one and remember your collaboration with Elena when I read it!

  10. How fun that you are doing this with Elena. I've bookmarked the book. Though not poems, I've sent a postcard to Carter nearly every week since he & the family moved away - lots of messages & fun.

  11. The concept of postcard poems is a most interesting idea Tabatha. Like your excavating of ideas to create a found poem with various gifts. I also enjoyed your digital story telling efforts accompanying your post. Well Done.

  12. I love your found poem! And I will have to check out Jeanne Griggs' book, which sounds whimsical and lovely.

  13. The video is such a creative way to present your poem. The book sounds interesting - thanks for bringing it to our attention!

  14. I think I need this book considering how much I love postcard poetry. Thank you for sharing.

  15. I enjoyed the fun-findings you found in the "Postcard Poem" book. Thanks for the lovely pics and mini journey Tabatha!
