Sunday, August 1, 2021

Bits and bobs

Life is a great sunrise.
~Vladimir Labokov

Hi y'all! What have you been up to? I've been vacationing and working on IMPERFECT II and making Emily Dickinson cards.


Lunchtime view

I like this photo and used it for my phone wallpaper. (The others didn't think it was as aesthetic as I did. What about you?)

I wanted to see how Emily Dickinson insight ("oracle") cards would turn out so I had a sample made. (I have it in my head to start an Etsy shop someday, mostly with printable games, but maybe some physical stuff like this, too.)

We were three or four minutes into Suite Judy Blue Eyes when we missed our exit (after we were already longing to get out of the car). It felt hard to be grumpy while listening to this, though. Your mileage may vary.

That's all for now! Hope you have a good week!


  1. I love the Emily Dickinson cards!

  2. Your wallpaper photo is interesting indeed. And I thought the Emily Dickinson cards were delightful.

    Suite: Judy Blue Eyes is maybe my favorite CS&N song. And, of course, I have to add some background: The title is a play on words for "Sweet Judy Blue Eyes" and the song is by Stephen Stills about his then-imminent breakup with his girlfriend Judy Collins (yes, *that* Judy Collins).
