Thursday, November 12, 2020

Little billows

The language you speak determines how you think. Yes, it affects how you see everything...

Have you seen the movie "Arrival"? It's time for me to see it again.

On Watching "Arrival" During Quarantine
by Natalia Conte

Like all dark moments, their entrance
begins with cello, a low grating C
like the bow of a ship digging into ice.

I know there’s danger in the rippling
of sound, the way the air seems to boil
with urgency. Of course, this signals

their arrival, the aliens, their bodies like hands
reaching from halted wrists.
Dr. Banks keeps her hands close

to her body to stop them from shaking.
She scrawls the word human
on a small whiteboard, points inward.

Drawn in dense billows of ink,
their language chases its own tail
does not distinguish between beginnings...

read the rest here


Life on the Deckle Edge has the Poetry Friday round-up. Thanks, Robyn!


  1. I'm pretty pathetic at watching movies. The most recent I made it all the way through was Breakheart Pass. Wondering about the poem I would write "On Watching Breakheart Pass During Quarantine!"

  2. I have not watched Arrival, but this poem makes me think I need to.

  3. As I read this poem, I thought about how every gesture has more meaning with the pandemic. Maybe we can not take others for granted when this is over?

  4. I think I watched 'Arrival' long ago, but don't remember much. It's touching the way this poet reminds us about feeling useless with our hands when remembering their importance before. Thanks, Tabatha!

  5. Hmm, I haven't seen Arrival, but I'll be checking Netflix... :)

  6. O transformative time warp back to my Mother's word coaching ~ thank you. (tho I don't know this movie, or in fact a lot of them.

    My mother spoke always about the language, words & thinking connection & the reflection that bad words led to a meager personality.

    Wishing you many choice words, dear Tabatha.


  7. This phrase and stanza...."I’ve never wanted to hold anything like I want
    to hold language like a mathematician
    break its parts into sequences"
    Yes. This.

  8. While I never watched Arrival, I enjoyed this poem because it ushers in the reality of life-"the way the air seems to boil/with urgency. The pandemic arrived and has caused quite a stir.

  9. You've piqued my curiosity!! Must check out "Arrival"!

  10. I have seen Arrival—in fact, it's one of the relatively few DVDs we own. Once is not enough for viewing. The first time was spent struggling understand all the layering of time and plot. After that, I could be more relaxed while viewing and just enjoy all the subtleties. The poem, too, is exquisite.

  11. We watched it, too, once when our son came to visit and kept recommending it. I love how this poet borrowed those billows... Thanks for sharing!
