Thursday, November 12, 2020

Adriaen Coorte

For those dependent on their gardens for fresh food, it was often a case of feast or famine... (One settler wrote), "Strawberries were now so plentiful that... I made 287 lbs of jam..."
~Bee Dawson

Paintings by Adriaen Coorte (1665-1707), the Netherlands. I like that he includes butterflies and moths in his still lifes.

Three peaches on a stone ledge with a Painted Lady butterfly
by Adriaen Coorte

Still life with hanging bunch of grapes, two medlars and a butterfly
by Adriaen Coorte

Still life with peach and two apricots
by Adriaen Coorte

Strawberries (1696)
by Adriaen Coorte

by Adriaen Coorte

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful paintings of fruit. And though I've heard of gooseberries, I must admit I didn't know what they looked I do. :-)

    Also, I'm trying to picture 287 pounds of strawberry jam. Wow!
