Thursday, May 3, 2018

Sign up for the Summer Swap

Green was the silence, wet was the light,
the month of June trembled like a butterfly.
~Pablo Neruda


Last year my daughter Elena painted the Summer Poem Swap logo. I used a painting of hers this year, too (a self-portrait). Does that make it a tradition yet?

Want to send someone a poem and receive a poem? It's a fun way to increase the amount of real mail you receive and also to give yourself deadlines. I like a good deadline, myself.

I'm doing the same thing this year as last year -- giving people the option of signing up for up to five swaps. You can pick whatever number you want. Here are the dates so you can decide:

Swap #1: Ends on June 22nd (Send out a poem by then)
Swap #2: Ends on July 6th
Swap #3: Ends on July 20th
Swap #4: Ends on August 3rd
Swap #5: Ends on August 17th

If you realize that you've been thrown a curveball and you can't do a swap you signed up for, please tell me so we can make sure the person you were assigned still gets a poem.

One more summer quote:

Bees do have a smell, you know, and if they don't they should, for their feet are dusted with spices from a million flowers.
― Ray Bradbury




Congrats!! I will send each of you your kintsugi kit this week -- let me know if your address has changed!


Friendly Fairy Tales has the Poetry Friday round-up. Thanks, Brenda!


  1. Tabatha! Thank you! I am very excited about this and have a plan for it already! What a generous gift. Thank you for hosting the summer swap too; I am excited to sign up. Here's to imperfection! xx

  2. Juicy and rich painting of your daughters Tabatha! Love the quote of Ray Bradbury's. I never thought we'd get to summer but it's on its way. Yes I'd like to do part of the summer poetry swap and will get back to you with dates, thanks for organizing it!

  3. Love that "new" summer swap portrait of/by your daughter, Tabatha. And the Bradbury quote, wonder if it's from "Dandelion Wine"? Will let you know about the swap! Thanks for all!

  4. I do love that bee quote, it's very apt, since the bees have been buzzing their way in and out of our office windows all week! I love bees, but I much prefer them outside, dusting their feet in the spice of all those flowers!

  5. Tabatha, congratulate your daughter on a fabulous Summer Poem Swap painting for the cover logo. I always enjoy your Summer Swaps so count me in. Summer is going to be a busy one so I will sign up for 3 poems that can start with the July 20th date. Thank you for organizing this wonderful project Tabatha.

  6. I think it can be deemed a tradition now.
    Sign me up for all. Summer is busy but there's always room for mellow. That's my tradition.

  7. That painting is wonderful! I have chickened out on participating in the Summer Swap in the past, but am going to go for it this summer! I'd love to participate for the four final dates. Thanks so much for organizing this!

  8. Hello, dear Tabatha. Thank you!! I'm so pleased about the kintsugi kit!

    I'd like to sign up for Summer Swap #4.

  9. Love the logo painting! Sign me up again for 4 swaps. School starts again in early August. Thanks! One of the highlights of my summer!

  10. Tabatha, that bee quote from Bradbury is awesome. I'll decline participating in the swap this summer, but at least I saw the announcement this time! Your daughter's painting is truly wonderful. It fits so well as a summer logo - all those warm shades of red and yellow reminiscent of flowers, fresh garden produce and the beautifully rendered features which seem to represent the personal and individual sharing that I love about your poetry swaps. Bravo to your artist daughter!

  11. Hi Tabatha, I love your daughter's hot summer portrait. I would like to participate in swap #3.

    Thanks for organizing this!


  12. I got my copy of IMPERFECT last night. I can't wait to dive into it today!

    Your daughter's artwork is beautiful! And two years could definitely be considered a tradition! I'm a little bit nervous about diving into the summer swap. I would love to try it, but I'm not sure I'm artistic or creative enough!

  13. I LOVE IMPERFECT! Cannot wait to share this with my kids on Monday!

  14. Congrats to Amy and Laura. I love your daughter's art. I'd love to do #1 and #5.

  15. Love your daughter's hot summer self-portrait. I'm with Carol Wilcox... a bit nervous about diving into the summer poem swap... I'm such a novice. But it sounds like fun, so count me in, Tabatha, for all five dates.

  16. It's a fabulous tradition, Tabatha - love the rich colors! Sign me up for #5, please :)

  17. That is a scorching summer pic, Tabatha - and perfect for perpetuating the tradition. Clever daughter that you have! I would love to take part in Swap#2&3, please. :)

  18. Yes, it's officially a tradition. I'm going to have to pass on the swap this year. My summer is going to be jam packed!

  19. Neruda and Bradbury both have the power to make me swoon like a school girl. I have to read more Bradbury.

  20. Hello Tabatha!

    I very much want to sign up for the Poem swap. Please sign me up for ALL the weeks. If I can't write an original, I will send a favorite.

    Linda Mitchell

  21. Fun! Put me down for weeks 2-5, when I am out of school. I, too, will send original poetry when I can and favorites if I can't. Thanks!

  22. Hi, Tabatha!
    Please sign me up for Weeks 2, 4, and 5 for the Summer Swap. Like a few others, I will try for original poems, but will send beloved favorites as an alternative, if necessary. :)

    Thanks so much!
