Thursday, June 29, 2017


Those who have dissected or inspected many [bodies] have at least learnt to doubt; while others who are ignorant of anatomy and do not take the trouble to attend it are in no doubt at all.
~Giovanni Battista Morgagni

You can get ideas for poems anywhere, right? Even anatomy class.

By Tabatha Yeatts

in anatomy class
i learn that human
bodies are like donuts,
with circles in the middle
that travel from our mouths
to our rearmost exit points

i wonder whether a
bunch of us in a car or bus
are like a box of donuts
with assorted toppings,
and i conclude
we are the world's
noisiest donuts

all i know is
we're not crispy crullers,
and we're not raspberry-filled;
we’re soft,
yeasty sometimes,
occasionally glazed,
most definitely
hot now.


Donut People by Harry W. Yeatts, Jr.

Random Noodling has the Poetry Friday round-up. Thanks, Diane!


  1. Ha! You're right, topics in strange, but perhaps intriguing, places. I wonder why you included that look at friends in a car. You've made the scene so warm and friendly there, Tabatha. I love your talk of donuts. Now you've made me think of what would happen if everyone wrote to the topic of donuts? Thanks!

  2. I wrote some donut poems for an anthology recently. Bounced. Ah well. I like yours.

  3. "we are the world's noisiest donuts" made me laugh! I just commented yesterday on the fact that we now spell "doughnuts" "donuts
    "... I still can't bring myself to shortcut it!
    But love your poem lots!
    Hey! How did I miss the poetry exchange? I've been so out of touch lately I guess!

  4. Great topics lurk all around us, don't they? I love the connections you have made in your poem. Food for thought!

  5. National Donut Day was June 2. Is that when you wrote this little treat? The next time we have a significantly yummy day to celebrate on a Friday, each P.F. contributor should write a poem on the topic. Let's see, where's Chase's Annual Events... Ah ha!--Friday, July 14, is National Mac and Cheese Day. What do you say? I'll add it to my blog post calendar now.

  6. Love it when a post goes in a different direction than I expected! Donuts! -- Christie @

  7. A donut poem! Can you hear me squealing with delight? Yes, we are hot right now! :)

  8. I would be a French Crueller. Love this poem and the topic.

  9. LOL! Love this.....definitely noisy....and sometimes yeasty when we rise to an occasion. I hope most of us are delicious in spite of all our flaws of sugar, fat & calories. You are so fun, Tabatha!

  10. Well, alas I think I must be a jelly-filled doughnut at this point - all those New Years Resolutions have long been abandoned! ;-)

  11. Hello, all my noisy, yeasty, jelly-filled friends! Diane, poems about macaroni and cheese sound delicious :-)

    1. Then, I will be posting one on July 14. I've already convinced my daughter that we should get together that day for a family gathering at Mr. Mac. They make Mac & cheese to order!

  12. This poem made me laugh--oh to still be hot and yeasty!

  13. What a funny poem Tabatha, with icing layers neatly squeezed in between."Noisy donuts, definitely fun. When someone mentions donuts I always think about "Homer Price," and his Donut making machine, just plain cake donuts, but oh so many!

  14. What a fun poem. I will giggle the next time I'm with a carload of friends, imagining us as noisy donuts!

  15. I was so giggling at that last line! (And occasionally glazed - ha!) Fun and fantabulous poem - which didn't even make me hungry! :P

  16. Ha! Love this imaginative meander into donut-land! (I guess this weekend I would label myself a maple-bacon donut)

  17. Mmmmmm. Donuts! I would be raised with chocolate frosting. Or maple frosting. Or coconut. OK, really any kind of raised. Just not cake!

  18. Ha! Hot now. Love that. Our Krispy Kreme closed, but Hot now is always good. Fun to do such an unexpected topic and comparison:>)

  19. Tabatha,
    Your poem is quite unique with its comparison of a donut to people. I think Diane hit on a good topic for us in the future. What if I was donut: would I be the glazed donut (sugared by the sweetness of life)?
    Now for the gratitude piece: I included your poetry swap poem in my post because I am totally swept away by your beautiful images of the seasons, your graciousness to write a personalized poem for me, and your spirit of collegiality. I will forever keep this poem close to my heart.
    Have a wonderful 4th of July.

  20. Yummy!!

    A mac-n-cheese PF theme sounds like fun -- kinda like our All Billy Collins week! We'll have to put the word out...

  21. You are so clever! I'll crave doughnuts all day & wonder what kind I am! Thanks for inspiring everyone this week (& me all the time!)

  22. Tabatha, that may be one of my favorite poems of yours ever. For some reason it reminds me of Frank O'Hara. I'm old-fashioned--sweet but not too sweet, and a little dense. : )

  23. I love the bus analogy!

  24. Glad I could "circle" back and partake of this (see what I did there?) - terrific poem, Tabatha, and I love Heidi's description of herself, too - ha!

  25. Great!

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