Thursday, March 9, 2017

Romania II

See, when I went to the Olympics in '76, the gymnastics people knew that I was good, but everybody else, after I won, everybody was like, 'Where's she coming from? Who is she? What is Romania?'
~Nadia Comaneci

Spending some time in Romania for Art Thursday:

Merry Cemetary, Sapanta, Romania
Each of the wooden "headstones" illustrates an aspect of the life (or death) of the person commemorated
photo by John Spooner

Nagyvárad - Saspalota üvegmozaikja

Saint George New Church, Bucharest, Romania
photo by fusion-of-horizons

Rock Sculpture of Dacian King Decebalus
photo by Byron Howes

Cetatea Oradea-1
photo by Rachel Titiriga

Woman selling bags in market
photo by Woody Wood


  1. Great selection of Romanian art (even in the last black and white photo, you can "feel" the colors in the bags).

    Can't help but think there's quite a story behind Cetatea Oradea-1. A broken heart, perhaps?

    And speaking of stories, these people make sure you know about who is buried there.

    My favorite piece, though, is the window (Nagyvárad - Saspalota üvegmozaikja). Wow.

  2. I was instantly drawn to the gigantic rock sculpture. Wow!

  3. Those artsy headstones! LOVE. Thank you for sharing! xo
