Thursday, December 15, 2016


I’m in no hurry: the sun and the moon aren’t, either.
~Alberto Caeiro

Sloths this Art Thursday. If you haven't seen this clip of Kristin Bell learning that a sloth was coming to her birthday party (or even if you have), it's a good intro:

Sloth, A Paper Zoo
Illustration by Ellen Raskin

Brooklyn Street art
photo by Kim Tairi

Two-toed sloths
by Louis A. Sargent

by Wes Reimer

Brehm's Life of animals : a complete natural history for popular home instruction and for the use of schools
by Alfred Brehm

by Jonathan Eichhorn

Clay sloth dolls
Another sloth doll


  1. Do you know how much I love sloths, Tabatha! I never imagined there was art! There is a new exhibit at our Science and Nature museum, Extreme Animals, which has a part about sloths, and in the gift shop, a wonderful stuffed one! I am in love! Thanks for this, such fun! (I've seen them twice in the wild-awesome!


  2. Cool subject...I like sloths, too. Have to admit that I wondered about how fast that sloth could move when facing a predator like in the Brehm picture!

    But my absolute favorite sloth-oriented moment was the DMV scene in Zootopia. :-)

  3. An utterly charming collection, Tabatha. I had forgotten about that video! I cried from laughing so hard.

  4. Never thought of sloths as cute until I saw the artistic sloth on the link you gave to the Etsy shop with art dolls from Russia! Absolutely adorable work!
