Thursday, December 15, 2016

Homegrown ShadowBox Art

Beware of books. They are more than innocent assemblages of paper and ink and string and glue. If they are any good, they have the spirit of the author within.
~Erica Jong

Welcome, all! Today we have Homegrown ShadowBox Art by Robyn Martins!

The poem in the Amy Lowell shadowbox reads:

All day I have watched the purple vine leaves
Fall into the water.
And now in the moonlight they still fall,
But each leaf is fringed with silver.

An excerpt from the Emily Bronte shadowbox:

'Tis moonlight, summer moonlight,
All soft and still and fair;
The solemn hour of midnight
Breathes sweet thoughts everywhere

An excerpt from the Percy Shelley shadowbox:

Music, when soft voices die,
Vibrates in the memory;
Odours, when sweet violets sicken,
Live within the sense they quicken.

Georgia Douglas Johnson shadowbox:

When I rise up above the earth,
And look down on the things that fetter me,
I beat my wings upon the air,
Or tranquil lie,
Surge after surge of potent strength
Like incense comes to me
When I rise up above the earth
And look down upon the things that fetter me.

Use code HOLIDAY16 for 10% off now through the end of the year!

And now, the round-up, old school style:

* Becky at Tapestry of Words has Holiday Math Poetry and a NEW CONTEST for PB Writers!

* Diane at Random Noodling is sharing "Christmas Carol."

* Kurious Kitty's Kurio Kabinet features Anna Grossnickle Hines' Winter Lights.

* At Life on the Deckle Edge, Robyn is sharing a new Animal Rights Haiku Anthology.

* Myra is Waiting for Something while “Winter is Coming” at Gathering Books.

* Check it Out! Jone offers A Gift of Birds.

* Over at Deowriter, Jone has the last call to sign up for the New Year Poetry Postcard Exchange and #haikuforhealing/16.

* Matt at Radio, Rhythm & Rhyme spotlights his winter poem swap present from Keri.

* You can find more healing haiku at Joyce Ray's Musings.

* Laura shares a Risky Writing poem at Writing the World For Kids.

* At Whispers from the Ridge, Kiesha writes of Walking Alone in Mid-December.

* Linda B. offers a poem of comfort for year's end and an observant haiku at TeacherDance.

* Happy to have all poetic "microprocessing," as Heidi describes her haiku. At My Juicy Little Universe, Heidi posts more #haikuforhealing.

* Molly features an ekphrastic poem at Nix the Comfort Zone.

* At Reflections on the Teche, Margaret has a haiku about haiku.

* Linda M shares an ekphrastic haiku at A Word Edgewise

* Catherine at Reading to the Core is in with a "commonplace marvel" haiku.

* Haiku instigator Mary Lee has haiku and a glimpse at the difficulties of teaching social studies/civics these days at A Year of Reading.

* Jama's Alphabet Soup brings us a couple of reindeer poems and cookie ideas.

* At The Poem Farm, Amy shares a poem inspired by a funny family story.

* Tara at A Teaching Life has a wintry offering by Tom Hennen.

* For a spicy sweet haiku, head to Brenda's Friendly Fairy Tales.

* Alice Nine shares foggy morning-inspired haiku to haiga to tanka at Talking with Letters.

* At Carol's Corner, Carol spotlights "Protest, Protest!" by Ella Wheeler Wilcox.

* Penny has a guest collaboration at A Great Nephew and a Great Aunt. Rebecca Gomez has written a poem that was inspired by a drawing by her 12-year-old niece, Rebekah.

* I just love you guys.

* Dori has hygge at Dori Reads.

* At Wee Words for Wee Ones, Bridget features a post and poem that came out of cleaning her desk and finding a prompt from Irene Latham and Liz Stienglass from Poetry Camp last October.

* Carol V writes about poetry friends and gratitude for the Poetry Friday community at Beyond Literacy Link.

* The ever-interesting blog Bildungsroman features "Floating Island" by William Wordsworth.

* Karen Edmisten returns to Thomas Merton's "Advent."

* Donna pipes up with Christmas haiku at Mainely Write.

* Julieanne finishes us up with a poignant classroom moment, a blessing by Joyce Sidman, and an original haiku at To Read To Write To Be.


  1. These are beautiful, Tabatha--the perfect blend of poetry and art. Thanks so much for sharing!

  2. What stunning creations! And made all the more meaningful by the inclusion of poetry!

  3. Well, of course I LOVE these! Warm and full of life. Gorgeous poetic selections. Just favorited Robyn's shop.
    [How about that - must be something about Robyn with a "y" being drawn to this sort of thing...:0) Robyn, my etsy shop is "artsyletters" - I did an Amy Lowell shadow box as a commission last year! If we lived in the same town, we would get into lots of trouble foraging in vintage shops and used bookstores.)
    Thanks to both of you for sharing!

  4. Thank you for sharing these. They're gorgeous.

  5. I was going to say, I'll bet Robyn would love these! They are, indeed, beautiful...and perfect with their poetry pairings.

  6. Oh, I love these poem shadow boxes! I'm inspired. What wonderful ideas we learn about here. Thanks for sharing Robyn's beautiful art (I must confess I first thought it was "our" Robyn!).

  7. Wow. I especially love the Bronte one. Thanks for sharing--and hosting--Tabatha!

  8. Such a neat idea! They are all my favorites. Thank you for hosting this week, Tabatha!

  9. What wonderful shadow boxes, Tabatha. I imagine that you might love that music one! Thanks for hosting and sharing them.

  10. Good morning, Tabatha! Rushing around today but back to study your shadowboxes tomorrow!
    Here are this week's #haikuforhealing.

  11. Combining poetry and shadowboxes is brilliant. I love these! Thanks for sharing them and for hosting today.
    Here's my effort for this week:

  12. Still writing a haiku each day. Sometimes it's a haiku about haiku.

  13. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, one of my favorite stops on Friday is your delightful and creative way of seeing and responding to life. What beauty and fun you have shared. Thank you and thank you. I have a poem by Sharon Olds, The Space Heater, over at A Word Edgewise and am thrilled to say I've kept up with #haikuforhealing all the days of December. I am a recipient of the healing daily writing proivdes. Have a great week.

  14. These shadow boxes are gorgeous, and so inspiring! I especially love Amy Lowell's silver fringed leaves. Thank you for sharing them, and for hosting! I'm in with a haiku today:

  15. Wow. Every single one of them is such a creative melding of box, contents, and poetry. Tabatha, I think your blog is a kind of shadowbox. Every time I peek in, there is such a creative combination of words, pictures, ideas, art, video, music!!

    I have a haiku today, and a very brief glimpse at some of my huge and troublesome thoughts about teaching social studies/civics these days.

  16. What beautiful shadow boxes. At first, I thought Robyn had made them. :)

    Today, for my last blog post of 2016, I'm sharing a couple of reindeer poems and cookie ideas:

    Thanks for hosting and have a great holiday season!!

  17. Oh, goodness. These are enchanting. Thank you for starting my day this way.

    At The Poem Farm, today I share a poem inspired by a funny family story. (And I encourage finding poems in giggles!)

    Happy Poetry Friday...xx

  18. What Mary Lee said - because I agree so much! Here's my wintry offering:

  19. What wonderful combinations of art and poetry. I want to linger over them and this morning is such a rush! Meanwhile, here is my link: I headed for haiku. Thanks for hosting!

  20. Thank you so much for featuring my work here. And your comments are all so kind. I am always looking for public domain poetry to inspire me, and I would appreciate any suggestions you might have.


  21. Such wonderful shadow boxes and words, makes me want to create some myself. Percy Shelley's words evoked a distant memory I have of children in a distant land on a storybook day. On my blog "Talking with Letters," I share my haiku to haiga to tanka inspired on a foggy morning. Thank you for hosting, and may you and yours have a blessed holiday season.

  22. These are so beautiful! They make me want to see what I could create! What special gifts!

    This week Dan Rather shared the poem,"Protest, Protest!" by Ella Wheeler Wilcox. It seems a perfect statement for this time of darkness.

  23. These are gorgeous! Thanks for a beautiful start to my Friday :) And thanks for hosting.

    I have guests collaborating on A GREAT NEPHEW AND A GREAT AUNT. Rebecca Gomez has written a poem that was inspired by a drawing by her 12-year-old niece, Rebekah.

  24. I remember making shadow boxes in school. These are beautiful, pulling together such wonderful pieces to match her themes. Thanks for sharing.

    I'm in with Joy Acey's Poetry Swap gifts to me.

  25. I, too, love these shadow boxes, Tabatha, especially Bronte's: "The solemn hour of midnight / Breathes sweet thoughts everywhere" *sigh*

    Today I have a post and poem that came out of cleaning my desk and finding a prompt from Irene Latham and Liz Stienglass from Poetry Camp last October.

    Thanks for hosting - and for doing it old school, I know it is a lot of work. Happy Friday!

  26. Thanks for sharing your creative shadowboxes with us and hosting PF, Tabatha. Today, I am writing about poetry friends and am grateful for the Poetry Friday community. I added my own responses to others' haiku for healing at Have a wonderful weekend.

  27. Happy holidays! Thanks for hosting.

    I posted Floating Island by William Wordsworth at my blog, Bildungsroman.

  28. What a project this is - it's amazing! Especially love the wee violin and the snippet from that box.

  29. Those shadow boxes are so cool! Thanks for sharing them!

    I'm in this week with Thomas Merton's "Advent". It's here.

    Thanks for hosting!

  30. These are beautiful, Tabatha. I love Georgia Douglas Johnson's poem.
    I am in with Christmas Haiku.

    1. Sorry! Forgot the link!
      But it looks like you found it anyway.

  31. Mary Lee has got you pegged, Tabatha! She's spot on with the description of your blog. I'm still haikuing, but no need to include me on the roundup, just stopping in to say howdy and how much I, too, love the shadowboxes you've chosen to showcase (especially the Shelley violin-inspired one).

  32. I'm so grateful for the haiku a day and Poetry Friday. Truly a healing moment for me daily! Thank you for hosting.

  33. Re: Line 26

    Backatcha! (With a long distance virtual hug!)
