Friday, January 29, 2016

Matches, The Weather Report

I hear the Wind Woman running with soft, soft footsteps over the hill. I shall always think of the wind as a personality. She is a shrew when she blows from the north -- a lonely seeker when she blows from the east -- a laughing girl when she comes from the west -- and tonight from the south a little grey fairy.
~L.M. Montgomery

We have snow, stars, wind, and ice poem-song matches today! Heidi contributes her "Independence Day Graffiti," which she matched, rather naturally, with the Star-Spangled Banner.

Independence Day Graffiti
by Heidi Mordhorst

Oh say can you see
by the winter’s pale light
where I scratched my initials
in the fresh-poured cement

I got off of my bike
while the cars whistled by
found a sharp sturdy stick
squatted by the new sidewalk

And my letters were clear
and my flag wasn’t square
all my stars and my stripes
seemed to ripple in air

Oh say does my snow-spangled banner yet wave?
Yes my mark is still there since the day I was brave!


I matched Julie Larios' poem about a runaway kite, "No Strings Attached," with "Born to Fly" by Sara Evans ("I will soar away like the blackbird/I will blow in the wind like a seed").


I matched Donna's "Heart of Snow" with O.K. Go's "This Too Shall Pass" because you know, just like spring sun, morning comes again.

Addendum: The weather report in sum is this quote and this song.

The Poetry Friday round-up is at Reading to the Core. Thanks, Catherine!

Previous matches: Matches I (with Matt Forrest Esenwine, Liz Steinglass, and Amy LV) and Poem-Song Match-Ups: Communication Difficulties Edition (with me and Mary Lee)


  1. Good morning, Tabatha! As always, an eclectic mix of arts and people!
    Love that O K Go video--we're going to be showing it our school STEAM night. And I especially enjoyed the combo of Julie's kite poem and Sara's song.

    Last "empty" day! Going to school now...

  2. More fun pairings. Hadn't seen Heidi's poem before, so clever! And "Born to Fly" is just lovely with Julie's poem.

  3. I expect that you'll share music and videos that I'm not familiar with, Tabatha, but I LOVE that you're also posting poems of PF regulars that I haven't read before! Loved all three of these new-to-me poems today, but Julie's nearly blew me away (Ha! Kite pun unintentional.) And that last video! Wow. I may have actually seen it before, but until the very end, I had forgotten. Will have to share it with my kids.

  4. Can I tell you how annoying it is to have a computer with its sound unexplainedly muted? It may be time to take it to an expert since I can't enjoy any of the musical portions of the matches! I'll be back soon.

  5. I have to share that last one with my kiddos, Tabatha. They will love it!

  6. What fun! Like Michelle, happy to catch up on some wonderfulness I didn't catch their first times around. Great pairings!

  7. Wow, Tabatha, these are all wonderful. I love being reminded of Donna's poem, and love Julie's, just lovely. And the matching is great, too. I was mesmerized watching and listening.

  8. Tabatha, your match-ups are creative connections to the poems. Wonderful, fun post today.

  9. These are wonderful, Tabatha! I've always thought it would be fun to work at NPR just to find the songs they play between stories. They are spot on, just as your pairings are. Thanks so much for sharing!

  10. So clever! xoxoxo I'm still coming up with nothing. :-0

  11. Ok. Remember when you had trouble leaving a comment for me... my turn. I had one written, and then somehow the box disappeared and I lost all that I'd written. Had to leave. Now what did I say? Don't remember.
    BUT - great matchups! You are good at this. I'm afraid I will be terrible, but I'm going to try one today!
    That last video was so, so, so awesome, awesome, awesome. I'm happy to have it paired with my heart of snow! Today is a brown day here with more rain. No snow left to speak of. Dare we think spring? It was 49 degrees overnight - and still is. Snow hearts have melted.
