Friday, November 20, 2015

More Gifts, More Doctors

As soon as healing takes place, go out and heal somebody else.
~Maya Angelou

As you might know, I am really interested in health, wellness, medicine, and the like, which is why I want to read this book: Poetry in Medicine: An Anthology of Poems About Doctors, Patients, Illness and Healing, Michael Salcman (Editor). Has anyone read it?

Here's a video about using poetry to help student physicians from becoming too disassociated from their patients:

Time to talk about poetry gifts! I have posted lists of such things in the past. Here are more possibilities:

Shirts, shoes, and accessories:
Custom Poetry Shoes: Red Wheelbarrow
Similes are like metaphors... shirt
Read More Poetry
Stacks of books scarf
French poetry earrings
Wordsworth button

Posters, books, and cards:
"If I Can Save One Heart from Breaking" poster
Fantasy library poster
100 literary postcards set
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Vogon Poetry book
Nature poem card

Visit The Miss Rumphius Effect for the Poetry Friday round-up.


  1. I haven't read Poetry in Medicine, Tabatha, but it sounds great. I love your list of poetry gifts!

  2. Thanks for the video and links! Those poetry shoes are adorable and the earrings exquisite!

  3. We have a healing arts program at our local hospital -- I am going to pass along this video to them! Thank you. I will be back to click through the shopping links. xo

  4. That was a wonderful video! More doctors need to stay connected to their patients - good to see that some are using poetry to help them "stay real"!

  5. I have a copied manuscript that a friend gave to me that shares poems that were read to hospice patients, and the reasons behind it. Your book and video connecting doctors to poetry reminds me of it. I haven't read it in a while, but it was special. Thanks for the video and gift ideas. I have a few to buy for that will adore some of those. Thanks, Tabatha.

  6. Thank you so much for posting about the book and for sharing the video! Your post made my day! This topic speaks to me, too! A former certified hospice volunteer, I seriously considered becoming a poetry therapist (One doesn't need to create poetry, just utilize it). If I had been a nurse, psychiatrist, or social worker, that's what I would have become. At the age I was when I learned about poetry therapists, I didn't want to pursue one of those prerequisites.Thanks again! I'm putting that title on my Christmas wishlist--from me/to me:) God bless you! Thanks again!

  7. I love the notion of healing and poetry together. It seems so obvious now that you mention it that the two would be easy partners. You might be interested in these books:

  8. Dear Tabatha:

    I think you will greatly enjoy the book, not just the poems but the essays and the poets' bios too. Many thanks for mentioning Poetry in Medicine in your blog.


  9. Thank you for visiting, Michael. I'm looking forward to reading it!

  10. Thanks for the gift resource, Tabatha, and also for posting this video. Shands, the teaching hospital here in Gainesville (associated with UF) has a vibrant Arts and Medicine Dept that I'd love to associate myself with one day. It's a wonderful thing how poetry touches and betters lives.
