Monday, November 9, 2015

Irene at 10!

Dancing in all its forms cannot be excluded from the curriculum of all noble education; dancing with the feet, with ideas, with words, and, need I add that one must also be able to dance with the pen?
~Friedrich Nietzsche

Today's Music Monday post is in honor of someone who definitely dances with the pen: Irene Latham. We are celebrating 10 years of Irene's Live Your Poem blog. The celebration theme is "wild," which I am not taking in the "wild animals" direction or the "let's get crazy" direction. I'm headed more to "free" ... free as a breeze, free as a body in motion. Wild and free.

With Irene in mind, here's a poem by Edith Södergran, translated from Swedish by Stina Katchadourian:

My sister
you come as a spring breeze over our valleys
The violets in the shade smell of sweet fulfillment.
I want to take you to the forest's corner:
there, we shall confess to each other how we saw God.


Dancing faces you towards Heaven, whichever direction you turn.
~Terri Guillemets

An old post with a pretty wild song

Wishing you many more years of living your poem, Irene!


  1. Love "you come as a spring breeze over our valleys", Tabatha. What an alluring poem. And that hip-hop, just fun!

  2. That video! Where do you find these things?! I am smiling SO SO BIG! Thank you. And oh, sweetness, the sister and the forest's corner and the unwhispered words in that poem.... Am printing to keep next to my computer. Thank you, Tabatha! xo

  3. Beautiful poem, but the hip-hop to classical music is what really grabbed me. That unexpected connection, just like a poem. Thanks, Tabatha!

  4. Love the poem, quotes and video! Dancing is such a freeing creative expression -- always envied those who could!

  5. OMG--the hip hop classical dance! So incongruous, yet so arresting.

  6. Wild revelry all around! The poem is so "Irene" and I never, in my wildest dreams, would have imagined a hip-hop classical mash-up. I was definitely thinking about you as I composed my post for today. :) Happy Music Monday, Tabatha.

  7. Wow—beautiful poem. I want to go to the forest's corner!

  8. I was so intrigued by the hip hop to classical music. That was great!

  9. You DO always find the most amazing things... and fresh takes. Thanks for the sumptuous words and the exuberant dancing, Tabatha!

  10. That video--so unexpected and wild! You never know what you will find in the forest's corner!

  11. I don't know where you find this stuff! I want to post this for my students and see their reactions. Wild!
