Friday, October 16, 2015

Lord, what fools these mortals be!

For aught that ever I could read,
Could ever hear by tale or history,
The course of true love never did run smooth.
~William Shakespeare (Lysander, scene i, A Midsummer Night's Dream)

I am prone to featuring things that relate to my kids (books they like, history and poetry competitions they've been in, and many musical works that they have performed, e.g. here, here, here, here, here, here, and here). They've been in a dozen plays and musicals, everything from The Two Gentlemen of Verona to Seussical (three times!), but I haven't spotlighted plays as often. My youngest is currently taking part in two works: Les Miserables (which I spotlighted on an Art Thursday a while back) and A Midsummer Night's Dream, which is my focus today:

A fun fight scene (“Though she be but little, she is fierce!”)

Titania (Judi Dench) is under a spell that makes her fall for a donkey in this scene. When I was talking about this video with my 14yo daughter, I asked her if she knew who Judi Dench is, and she was like, "Of course!" Silly me. (Heads-up: Judi's mostly just wearing green body paint!)

The ending monologue by Puck. This version from the Dead Poets' Society is poignant due to the obvious double-meaning it has for the speaker:

Mendelssohn's A Midsummer Night's Dream is beautiful. I expect you may recognize it:

One last bit:

So we grew together,
Like to a double cherry, seeming parted;
But yet a union in partition,
Two lovely berries moulded on one stem.

~Helena, scene ii.


The Poetry Friday round-up is at The Poem Farm.


  1. Theatre is such a gift...and I too feel so lucky to see my children onstage or know they're backstage helping to give a story life. Enjoy the season...happy Poetry Friday! xo

  2. These are wonderful, Tabatha! I feel like I have had a little shot of Shakespeare this morning!

  3. Ha! Judi Dench is quite attractive in green! I think I owe it to myself to watch the complete play. I'm not sure I've ever seen it whole!

  4. Our school has a strong theater program, & I remember well dear Puck when they performed Midsummer's Night's Dream. That student is now grown & performing in London, but writing music now. Your children are lucky to be in lots of theater, Tabatha, a gift to their growing up! Thanks for showing off Judy Dench, so young & beautiful here.

  5. Thanks for the Shakespeare fix today, T. What a kick to see a greenish Judi Dench! Love that Dead Poets Society scene too, such a great movie. All topped off with some beautiful Mendelssohn. Sigh. Pretty quote at the end, too. :)

  6. What a treat to enjoy my morning tea watching Shakespeare and listening to beautiful music. :)

  7. The music was a delightful end to your selection of clips! I enjoyed Shakespeare in nineth grade - went to a couple theatre in the rounds with our class. When I had Authors' Tea at the end of first grade, my students used to draw with fabric marker, a picture of Shakespeare copying from a few images I supplied. We talked about who he was and what he wrote...for future tucked away knowledge that they for the most part would forget they had until one day they would vaguely recall that they knew something...but how and why might be missing!

  8. You must love going to your children's plays and musicals! My kids are not into theater, but we enjoy going to my son's best friend's performances.

    Great clips!

  9. One of my favorite Shakespeare younger two were theater kids, too. My Ben played Bottom in his senior year - that was such fun!

  10. Well that was fun, Tabatha. Your family sounds like quite the dramatic bunch. Do they do this through school, or are they in community theater? Do you act as well?

  11. What a lovely way to start the day! Thank you so much for sharing these clips, Tabatha.

  12. AMND might be my favorite...but then, isn't it everyone's favorite? I can't imagine why you would be prone to featuring things your kids are interested in! :) I gather its Elena doing Les Mis and AMND, so what is Dash's musical? What colleges is he looking at? Daisy has fallen in love with NYU--you know, the one in the Top Ten Most Expensive list? *sigh*

  13. Lots to love and savor in this post. I'm struck by the incredible length and depth of Dame Judy's career. What an amazing woman.

  14. I love Shakespeare's comedies. This is one of my favorites. Thanks for the links! Your kids are so talented! They must take after their mom.

  15. AMND is definitely my favorite. Magic happens in the woods! There is nothing like being in a play to really know it.

  16. Thank you for sharing all these good bits. I love that part from dead poet society. :)
