Thursday, July 9, 2015

Door to door

A very little key will open a very heavy door.
~Charles Dickens

Come on in! We're opening some doors for Art Thursday. I could have done a whole post just on door knockers. Maybe another time.

Door knocker, Barcelona, Spain
by JohnPickenPhoto

La Puerta (The Door)
by Mauricio García Vega

Môsieur J.
by murmure @ Caen

A Saucer of Milk
by Carl Holsøe

Maison Huot de style art nouveau
by Jean-Pierre Dalbéra

Door 1
by Mathias Klang

A la porte du temple
by George Lawrence Bulleid

Leaving the studio, 1921
by William Paxton


  1. Great art work today. I was just blown away by Door knocker, Barcelona, Spain, La Puerta (The Door), and Môsieur J. Fabulous.

    Would love to see a focus on door knockers sometime!

  2. These are great. Doors are powerful places. The moment of going from here to there.

  3. You're a woman after my own heart. I love doors!
