Monday, July 6, 2015

Confessions of a horn nerd family

What's the most unusual thing you sing? My daughters and I have been known to sing Mozart's third horn concerto together a cappella (minus the cadenza).

Sorry, there's no video of us singing it...but this version is much better! :-)

Need motivation this Monday morning?


  1. My favorite line is, "If you're tired of starting over, stop giving up." Yowza! The music is much more soothing this fine/frantic Monday.

  2. Sorry, you're not off the hook. I still want that video of you and your daughter. ;)

    The Shia LaBoeuf video was some kind of cross between a motivational speech and a haka... not the approach I would take, but hey, to each his own.

  3. So why ISN'T there a video of Mozart's Horn Concerto No. 3 featuring you and your daughters? I'd even settle "Taps".
    Nice motivational video. Reminds me of a Bob Newhart one where he is counseling someone on getting rid of their fears.
