Tuesday, October 8, 2013

More Malala

Malala Yousufzai speaking about the Taliban: "They must do what they want through dialogue. Killing people, torturing people and flogging people ... it's totally against Islam. They are misusing the name of Islam."

The response from the Taliban? "We will target her again and attack whenever we have the chance," Shahidullah Shahid, who represents the Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan umbrella group.

Read the NPR article about it here.


I can't just present you with that and leave, so let's linger over some poems. Yahia Lababidi gifted me with his latest poetry book today (Thank you, Yahia!). He was on NPR yesterday himself, talking about upheaval in Egypt.

by Yahia Lababidi

Words need not be the opposite of silence,
they might be its ambassadors
Would that we could rescue the profundity,
and eloquence, of silence for speech.


by Yahia Lababidi

You can’t bury pain
and not expect it
to grow roots.

But you can try
and tend tenderly
to its subtle fruits.


Other recent posts:

To Congress
Let Us Be Loved Ones


  1. Wow, she has courage. I admire that in anyone.

  2. An amazing individual...such courage, and she seems so serene -so sure of her truth. I love that second poem, Tabatha - subtle fruit, which really had me thinking.
