Thursday, September 5, 2024

Don't lie awake

Few delights can equal the presence of one whom we trust utterly.
~George MacDonald

This has been Heather Maloney week on the blog. I shared a Maloney performance for Music Monday and I'm sharing her again (a different song) for Poetry Friday... these lyrics are so poetic! Check them out:

Hey, hey baby, I'm your picnic blanket
Give me your crumbs, give me your drips, give me your bugs
Hey, hey baby, I'm your mud-room floor
Give me your street-dust, give me your beach-sand, give me your rain
Hey, hey baby, I'm your nightstand drawer
Give me your secrets, give me your longings, give me a chance
To hold these things

I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna sell it to the papers. No, and
I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna spin em' into stories. And
I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna use it as ammunition, no
I just wanna hold...


Buffy Silverman has the Poetry Friday round-up today. Thanks, Buffy!


  1. Love the bits of humor in Heather's song, bugs, dirt, and what an incredible voice, thanks for this mini break Tabatha! xox

  2. I don't know many new singers, Tabatha, so enjoyed listening to Maloney, and the song, showing it is those little things that help us get even closer in our relationships. "Let me in"!

  3. Beautiful--really enjoyed listening to Heather Maloney.

  4. Thank you for sharing this song, Tabetha. I love the sentiment and the details. What a powerful voice she has, both musically and with her poetic lyrics.

  5. Always wonderful to be introduced to new musicians. Thanks, T!! Enjoyed Heather's song with its quirky lyrics. :)

  6. Poetically poignant (though I also enjoy Bryan Adams' "I Wanna Be Your Underwear") :0

  7. Very fun! She can also be my downstairs "studio" and (for my husband) our dusty, junk-jumbled garage shelves!

  8. What a great concept - intimacy/trust like that of a jumbled up nightstand drawer! (& in my case, the tower of precariously stacked books and such on top of it....) Thanks for sharing, Tabatha, as always.

  9. Like Robyn commented, I love the concept of that nightstand drawer. Thanks for introducing me to Heather Maloney and for linking the video of her performing. She's great!

  10. What a voice! Love the song and all the things that bring a smile...the dirt...not gonna sell it to the papers. ha!
