Thursday, August 22, 2024


One does a whole painting for one peach and people think just the opposite - that particular peach is but a detail.
~Pablo Picasso

Did you know that nectarines are actually a type of peach? I didn't realize that until recently. This week, a friend brought me a basket of peaches and they were like candy. Soo good. For Art Thursday, peaches:

Still life with peaches and silver platter
William Mason Brown

Die junge Pfirsichverkäuferin, 1888
Giovanni Sottocornola

Jin Tingbiao's painting of Yaochi to celebrate longevity

Claude Monet

Still life with peaches, grapes and nuts on a table
Emilie Preyer

1 comment:

  1. Peaches...good subject since it's that time of the year.

    The Still life with peaches and silver platter is amazingly realistic. You can even see the fuzz. :-)

    Still life with peaches, grapes and nuts on a table is also excellent. (And don't forget the fly!)
