Thursday, July 25, 2024

Start to attach

The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled.

Happy Poetry Friday! How have you been? I'm getting ready to celebrate my parents' 55th anniversary next week. Today, we have a fun-to-read-aloud poem from the magazine Stone Soup (100% written and illustrated by kids ages 6-13)

A lot of nature with a little bit of red
By Ethan Issadore, Age 11

A lot of nature with a little bit of red,
And that is to be said.
Trees and forests for miles on end.
I forget the cityscape, but I try to pretend.
The branches start to bend,
And then there is a crack.
The fire starts to sizzle and glow, like preparing an attack.
We huddle around the fire,
Though we have one more desire.
At least we do not need to “brrr.”
We collect the ingredients and start to stir.
The fire grows higher and higher...

read the rest here


Marcie Flinchum Atkins has the Poetry Friday round-up. Thanks, Marcie!


  1. Safe travels, Tabatha. Thanks for sharing the fun poem from Stone Soup. I love reading kids' work - hope for the future.

  2. Happy anniversary to your folks! 55 years...wowza. (Another kind of fire!) xo

  3. "I am still here and the bark is still wood" -- I love this line. I was right there with him, camping out and waking up before dawn. Blessings for your parents' beautiful milestone!

  4. My parents are just at 57 this year! Here's to proof that love can last. ♥

  5. Hooray for young poets--and happy travels!

  6. Wishing you all happy celebrations! Thanks for the layered “Stone Soup” poem, I’d enjoy hearing more backstory about it…

  7. Tabatha, have a great vacation! A 55th anniversary. How special. Thanks for sharing Ethan's poem. It is fun to read aloud.

  8. I adore the title of this poem --"A lot of nature with a little bit of red". Perfect! Have a wonderful celebration with your family!
