Thursday, June 27, 2024

Weaving baskets

The sensation of making something with her hands from just a bunch of sticks and a knife was so empowering that “what started out as merely making a basket,” she explains, “became about making a life.”
~Deborah Needleman talking about Annemarie O'Sullivan

For Art Thursday, basket weaving. Delia Fian has an online class teaching how to weave invasive grasses! What a good idea.

American Indians : first families of the Southwest
John Frederick Huckel, Fred Harvey

The cries of London, circa 1830
John Thomas Smith

Not of the fold
by Frederick Morgan, circa 1881

Blind Basket-Makers, 1871
after Hubert von Herkomer

Frau beim flechten in Fatuc Laran, Lactos, Cova Lima, Osttimor
By David Palazón, Tatoli ba Kultura

For more baskets: Basketmakers' Association (UK) Instagram account

1 comment:

  1. I have a fondness for woven baskets...they feel very "natural." That's the only word I can think of.

    These are excellent depictions of basketweaving. I was instrigued by the woman sitting inside a huge basket. What a lot of work she does!

    But the one that really struck me was the image of the blind basketweavers. That's really impressive.
