Monday, February 5, 2024

Aliah Sheffield

The responses I get either make me laugh or make me cry. Some people say, Is she being sarcastic, or is she calling out for help? It’s a little bit of both.
~Aliah Sheffield

For Music Monday, Aliah Sheffield. She has an album called These Songs Are for Anyone Sick of Earth, which has some pretty dark stuff on it but her voice is so angelic that it is pleasant regardless (e.g. I Don't Like People). When she sings, "I don’t want folks running up all my bills/The first comes and that’s when they run for the hills," you know she's singing from experience.

An upbeat one:

Some of Your People (ain't really your people)

1 comment:

  1. She really does have a nice voice and a strong attitude!

    Interesting that in the first song she refers at one time to a couple of X-Men characters.
