Thursday, January 4, 2024

Supporting artists

People worry that computers will get too smart and take over the world, but the real problem is that they're too stupid and they've already taken over the world.
~Pedro Domingos

Happy Art Thursday! Lately I have been trying to learn how to recognize art created by artifical intelligence (AI) rather than human hands. I accidentally bought two things (on Etsy) that were AI-made and didn't realize it until Elena told me. I hate being tricked, and I hate spending money on AI that I could be spending on human artists. Artists have a hard enough time making a living.

Elena said that Etsy has a big AI problem. I am starting to notice sellers who opened their shops in 2023 and are selling thousands of very different things.

How else can you tell something is AI-made? They should be obligated to tell you, but since it seems to be optional, what do you look for?

Quiz to suss out AI-generated art
How to identify AI art
How to detect AI-created images (PC Mag)
Can you spot which pictures are AI-generated?
AI art is everywhere (video)
Why AI art sucks from an AI researcher (video)

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