Thursday, January 25, 2024

Misty morning

The Osage have this lovely phrase: 'Travelers in the Mist.' It was the term for part of an Osage clan that would take the lead whenever the tribe was venturing into unfamiliar realms. And, in a way, we are all travelers in the mist.
~David Grann

I had started another Art Thursday post for this week but when I went outside this morning with the dogs, our weather got me thinking about how hard mist and fog must be for artists to paint. Let's see how some folks handle it:

Sawmill in the morning mist, 1886
Emil Jakob Schindler

La Seine à Rouen
Camille Pissarro

The Mist Curtain - Re 8 (16th Squadron) attacked over Lens, 1918
Gilbert Solomon

A London Fog
drawn by Duncan

Waterloo-Brücke - 1903

Claude Monet -

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