Thursday, January 18, 2024

Historiated Initials

With symbols you have connected the two worlds, the visible and the invisible.
~Jasna Horvat

Hi all! Happy Art Thursday! A historiated initial is "an enlarged letter at the beginning of a paragraph or other section of text, which contains a picture." (Wikipedia)

I have a little workbook for practicing decorative letters. Hoping to get better at it, although I don't aspire to making ones as complex as these!

Solomon observing the stars, circa 1170-1180

Decorative initial from a play printed in 1547

Initial from a medical treatise printed in Venice in 1547

Initial from an edition of Petrarch printed in 1549

Initials of Sámuel Falka Bikfalvi from 1824

1 comment:

  1. These are really cool. But I must say, "Solomon observing the stars" is magnificent.

    Good luck learning to do this.
