Thursday, December 28, 2023


It's good as an artist to always remember to see things in a new, weird way.
~Tim Burton

Happy Poetry Friday! I've been wondering about picking a word for 2024. I liked "generosity" for 2022, and I kind of missed having one in 2023. But I'm not sure what my word should be. Maybe "new"? I was thinking about "new" poems and found this one:

“The New Love”
by Ella Wheeler Wilcox

I thought my heart was death chilled,
I thought its fires were cold;
But the new love, the new love,
It warmeth like the old.

I thought its rooms were shadowed
With the gloom of endless night;
But the new love, the new love,
It fills them full of light.

I thought the chambers empty,
And proclaimed it unto men;
But the new love, the new love,
It peoples them again.

I thought its halls were silent,
And hushed the whole day long;
But the new love, the new love,
It fills them full of song.


Michelle Kogan has the Poetry Friday round-up. Thanks, Michelle!


  1. I feel the Love of the Promise of the New Year when I read this poem of Ms Wilcox, generous Tabatha. TY for sharing.
    You can't go wrong with either word you've suggested, as a One little Word.

    [ YOU will make poetry of any any selected One Little Word.]

    Happy Holiday Weekend & wishing you much Serenity going through the open door of 2024.

  2. Tabatham the new love poem starts out with an interesting stanza. I like starting the new year by seeing things in a new way.You gave me a new project. I shall attempt to find ways to look at life ina different way.
    Carol Varsalona

  3. Thank you for the lovely poem you've shared today, Tabatha. It feels like such an optimistic way to start the new year, and I definitely appreciate that lens! I have mixed feelings about OLW-- I love them in the abstract, enjoy the process of choosing one, and then tend to promptly forget about them. Oops! I'll be interested to see if you opt in this year. Happy New Year!

  4. Oh, I love the clever and various ways she shows change, Tabatha. It's a beautifully uplifting poem. Choosing 'new' for your word can lead to a year full of fun. And I love that Tim Burton quote; maybe your inspiration for 2024? Happy New Year!

  5. This is Patricia (fellow recipient of Google-hating today) but who also heard someone else’s joy in the words new love, new love. Not a bad way to leave a year.

  6. Oh, I love this poem. And I really feel deeply the mysteries of the heart when I know that the "new love" can be the same person as "the old." Thanks, and have fun discerning around your word for 2024. Happy New Year!

  7. Tabatha, thank you for this sweet poem. I love the repetition in (and of) "But the new love, the new love" So lovely. Happy New Year!

  8. This begs to be read aloud -- so I did! Thank you!

  9. Well I went down a rabbit hole from reading your upbeat poem by Ella Wheeler Wilcox. I followed over to the link you left us and loved the site Word Wool. That's one of the special gifts you share providing us with all these wonderful and rich poetry sites. Like Tim Burton says, "remember to see things in a new" such a good thing to remember and perhaps thats what Wilcox was thinking about when writing her poem, or maybe just what I was thinking about. Thanks for all, Tabatha and Happy New Year! 🥳

  10. New sounds like a great word of the year!

  11. Tabatha, I love this poem. "New" sounds like a great choice for a OLW. I haven't chosen a word yet. Thank you for the reminder to start thinking about it. Happy New Year!

  12. This poem took me to a hopeful place thinking about “new love,” knowing it can be a renewal of feeling, love or admiration that is reignited. Good luck settling on your one word. It will be sure to ignite more wonderful work. Thanks, Tabatha!

  13. I have a love-hate relationship with OLW although I very much admire Linda Mitchell's way of writing one poem a week to her word. "NEW" is also a lovable/hateable word, don't you think? We love the shiny new, the oddball new, the exciting new--and yet something new all the time takes from us comfortable familiarity, reliability, dare I say tradition. I guess that means it's a rich choice! Happy New Year, Tabatha!
