Thursday, November 16, 2023


The Leonids are a prolific meteor shower associated with the comet Tempel–Tuttle, which are also known for their spectacular meteor storms that occur about every 33 years. The Leonids get their name from the location of their radiant in the constellation Leo: the meteors appear to radiate from that point in the sky.

Happy Poetry Friday! From what I hear, the Leonid meteor shower will peak on November 17-18, although it will keep going until the beginning of December. For info about watching, click here.

Depiction of 1833 Leonids
The engraving is by Adolf Vollmy based upon an original painting by the Swiss artist Karl Jauslin, that is in turn based on a first-person account of the 1833 storm by a minister, Joseph Harvey Waggoner

Meteor Shower
by Clint Smith

I read somewhere that meteor showers
are almost always named after

the constellations from which
they originate. It’s funny, I think,

how even the universe is telling us
that we can never get too far

from the place that created us.
How there is always a streak of our past...

read the rest here


A lesson plan for Smith's poem from the Moving Writers site.

Live Your Poem has the Poetry Friday round-up. Thanks, Irene!


  1. Oh, my goodness...what a beautiful poem. Isn't it true? Every good story is actually about home? We take home with us wherever we go. I'm reading The Last Cuenista right now and it's the same idea for MG readers. Love this poem as a companion to my reading.

  2. :a streak if our past" and oh, the ending is wonderful, Tabatha! "we bring a part of where we are from
    to every place we go." We used to bring our sleeping bags far outside the city to a friend's home & lie outside to watch - always a joy! Thanks for the art, too!

  3. The Leonids have a special place in my heart...and a poem about them appears in one of my long-ago books. Thank you! xo

  4. Thanks for sharing Tabatha! That engraving is gorgeous-- it's so neat to see examples of art begetting art. I'll keep an eye skyward tonight to see if I can spot any falling stars!

  5. Thank you for the information about Leonids, Tabetha! I had not heard of them before this. I am looking out my window at a completely overcast sky tonight, but I am hopeful that tomorrow might be clear, so I can take a peek!

  6. All fascinating here Tabatha, the poem, info on viewing the Leonid meteor shower, and the engraving you shared–I'm an evening sky/star/ moon gazer! Like Linda B. I love that last line too, "we bring a part of where we are from/to every place we go." Happy meteor gazing, thanks Tabatha! 🌔💙🎆

  7. I remember COUNTING DESCENT & am so appreciative of being reminded of Mr. Smith's powerful way with words.
    Appreciations for the engraving based on the majestic meteor moment of that minister
    As a result of this poetry time with you, I expect to make a better effort to watch tonite.
    Many appreciations for much, wonderful Tabatha.

  8. Thank you for sharing that powerful poem by Clint Smith. I love his work. Such a gentle giant in literature, history, and beyond. So much truth in that poem, and I love how he tied it into the hugeness of the universe that can't even get away from being tied to home.

  9. Thank you, Tabatha. I love the last line of Smith's poem. I'll be stargazing tonight.

  10. I have not read any of Clint Smith's poetry - though I loved his HOW THE WORD IS PASSED. This poem is echoed in his book - that we carry with us where we are from. Beautiful.
