Thursday, October 12, 2023

Dip your pens

Words can be like X-rays if you use them properly – they’ll go through anything. You read and you’re pierced.
~Aldous Huxley

Another Poetry Friday! Whew, glad to meet around the old word corral for the poetry round-up.

If you'd like to join the Holiday Poem Swap, drop me a line! The basic premise is the same as in the past -- people sending each other poems and small gifts in early December. The one difference is that I am also going to let some people who do not have the wherewithal to participate but would still like to be a recipient sign up. Every swap session, there are always folks who have the best intentions but then life intervenes and they struggle to complete their swap. I figured this time I would see if there was anyone who guessed that might happen to them and then I'll see if I can find someone who wants to send an extra. (Update: I have gotten five offers to send extra swaps, and one request. Four more recipients are welcome to register.)


Today's poem:

For Ukraine
By Ryner Lai

You tread softly
As if the earth is made of snow.

Gesturing broadly to your guest:
“This is where our great memorial will be.”

You lower your gaze;
Your guest follows your lead.

The memory of war pierces you;
Your tears drop like blood.

Poetry is rising.

Our graves beneath you:
An inverted heaven.

A sliver of a sunflower
Unfolds to meet the sun.

Children of freedom:
Dip your pens
Deep into our souls;
We have made ink.


Reading to the Core has the Poetry Friday round-up. Thanks, Catherine!


  1. Oh what a beautiful poem, Tabatha. 'Poetry is rising' What a line. I would love to be part of the swap this year - will email you.

  2. I'm thinking about connections today, so thanks for sharing this lovely poem about Ukraine. Love thinking about the earth as made of snow and our responsibility to each other. Yes, please, to the holiday swap.

  3. Tabetha, your poem is powerful. "Our graves beneath you: An inverted heaven." hits the heart. We are wishing peace for so many today and every day.

  4. Wow that piercing connection between Aldous Huxley’s quote and the poem, how powerful—thanks for sharing both of these sensitive, searing, and timely words Tabatha! I’d like to partake in your winter swap, I’ll email you, thanks for orchestrating it!

  5. As if the earth is made of snow. Swoon! And yes, Poetry is rising! YES to the Holiday Swap! xo

  6. For Ukraine, for Israel, for Gaza, hope lies in the children looking up, looking for that poetry rising. Let there be peace on earth!!

  7. "We have made ink." Yes!

    I'm so glad you keep hosting these swaps, and some day when I live again in a place where mail doesn't take six months to arrive, I hope to participate once more. :-)

  8. Hi Tabatha! The poem you shared is touching. Thank you! And, yes to the Holiday Poem Swap - thank you for organizing this again! Carol

    P.S. My URL link is for last week's post. I'm hoping to post today but do not know if I'll have time.

  9. Sliver of sunflower—lovely image! Thanks for the poem and for doing the swap. Will email you.

  10. Tabatha, that poem is heavy and full of pain, but the poetry rising and "children of freedom" "dip(ping) your pens / Deep into our souls" is breathtaking. Thanks for sharing, and thanks for organizing the swap. I like that you are offering it for everyone--even the most busy among us!

  11. So many lovely images, Tabatha. Thank you for sharing your poem!

  12. "Poetry is rising." is such a hopeful line. Thanks for this beautiful poem.

  13. Tabatha, the poem rises in my heart. These words sting:
    The memory of war pierces you;
    Your tears drop like blood.
    War is such an awful word, especially after the latest fighting.-Children attacked and butchered. Where is the kindness poets speak of. Let poetry rise!
    Thanks for sharing this post today and for organizing the Winter Swap. I would love to join in.

  14. This: "The memory of war pierces you;
    Your tears drop like blood." Could be for any war. And with the week we've had so appropriate.

  15. Tabatha, thank you. This poem is beautiful...and I snagged that Aldous Huxley quote for my journal. So much war right now. It's tough to think of anything else. I'm glad there are people thinking about a future...that there will be time and space for memorials.

  16. So powerful. Thank you for this.

  17. Thank you for sharing this stunning, timely poem, Tabatha. I've read it several times and each time I find new depths to it.

  18. Tabatha, wow. Thanks for sharing this..."A sliver of a sunflower /
    Unfolds to meet the sun." There's such beauty and devastation in this poem.

  19. Wow--a powerful and beautiful poem. Thank you for sharing it. Also, I just found your email in my spam folder. Yes, I'd like to participate in the swap.
