Thursday, September 28, 2023

Red and sweet

I want poetry that takes me to a world that I don’t know yet, to a view that I didn’t yet have, to a view that I could not have found anywhere else.
~Ingmar Heytze

Happy Poetry Friday! Dutch poet Ingmar Heytze today. I was having a hard time choosing what to share and I wondered if I just wasn't in a poetry mood (perish the thought!), but then I read Heytze's work and I was in a poetry mood after all.

by Ingmar Heytze
translated by Robert Dorsman

Last night I buried a kiss.
It had lain between us for thirteen months
and you had already asked several times:
what is it that keeps lying there.

When you finally fell asleep, I pressed
the kiss with my lips into a little box...

read the rest here


Other poems by Ingmar Heytze:

Love Letter to Rain


Jama's Alphabet Soup has the Poetry Friday round-up. Thanks, Jama!


  1. Tabetha, I love, “I was in a poetry mood after all." Funny how that goes! Wonderful poem that you selected. I read it several times, and I still want to know more.

  2. Tabatha, I'm glad you were in a poetry mood for this good post. I like the first quote by Ingmar Heytze you chose: "I want poetry that takes me to a world that I don’t know yet, to a view that I didn’t yet have, to a view that I could not have found anywhere else." It reminds me of the final lines of the Poetry Forum poem by Helena Nelson that Jama posted. Poetry is so important!

  3. Thank you, Tabatha, for once again introducing me to a new poet. Heytze's words are a buried treasure I want to keep digging up. (His line: "I dug a grave two mouths deep..." wow)

  4. Wow, Heytze is so different -- definitely a poem that took me to a view I could not have found anywhere else. What an original mind. Thanks for introducing me to yet another new-to-me poet!

  5. I'm so glad you found your poetry mood because I adore this poem, all dug in a grave two mouths deep! When I read a love poem everything feels right with the world. xo

  6. It's great for all of us that you found your poetry, Tabatha, and now I know that kisses can grow! The poem brings a delightful thought into our world. Thank you!

  7. I’m so glad you found the poetry mood so we could luxuriate in Secret Poem and Love Letter to Rain!!

  8. Oops… that was me, Patricia

  9. Finding a new poet is truly a gift. Thank you, this is lovely! And yes, it's nice to find ourselves in a poetry mood.

  10. What a reminder that all planting (literal and figurative) will yield future gifts and seeds (and kisses!) we sometimes can't even imagine!

  11. I'm filled with a feeling of calm and joy from this sensitive poem, many thanks for sharing Ingmar Heytze with us Tabatha, I look forward to reading more of his poems!
    And: 8MMCAMERAYEARS is wonderful–what a moving picture he captures!

  12. Glad you were in the poetry mood because you selected a beautiful one for us!

  13. Being in a poetry mood is a great way to be, Tabatha.
