Monday, August 21, 2023

Only these wishes

Although better known as a singer-songwriter and guitarist, [Diesel] is also competent on bass guitar, drums, percussion and keyboards.

For Music Monday, Diesel with "Come To Me."

Some interesting info from Wikipedia about why Mark Lizotte is known as Diesel: came about as the result of a casual joke concerning the band's bass player, John Dalzell. "John had one kid and another on the way," Mark explains. "A friend of ours used to refer to them as 'Johnny Diesel and his little injectors'; I thought it was funny. Then I got a call from the woman from the [Perth] venue where we were playing one night a week... 'You're starting to draw a few people,' she said. 'I'm going to put an ad in the paper, does this nameless band have a name?' I told her we were 'Johnny Diesel and the Injectors'. It was just a joke. I wanted it to appear in the newspaper to amuse John Dalzell but the name stuck. When we got to Sydney, our Management said, 'Everyone will think you're Johnny Diesel. Are you going to go along with it?' I wasn't going to be stuck-in-the-mud, so I said, yeah.

1 comment:

  1. More than a touch of soul in this really nice song. I can see the problem, though, in being called Diesel...which sounds like a metal band!
