Thursday, July 27, 2023

Webb's First Anniversary

Webb is a General Observatory, meaning that competitively selected proposals from around the world are used to develop the observing plans. These proposals are judged by a peer review system, in which teams of independent scientists rank the observing proposals according to scientific merit, and the highest ranked proposals are selected.
Webb FAQ

For Art Thursday, celebrating the Webb Space Telescope's first year of exploring the universe and information gathering:

Rho Ophiuchi

Orion Bar

Cassiopeia A

WR 124

Chamaeleon I Molecular Cloud


  1. Tabitha, wonderful stargaze images of wonder. Appreciations.

    [A serendip: been thinking of such magnificient views/outerskyworld this wk. as the fed. govt. held bi-partisan meeting to consider several, credible, retired military pilots'odd sightings off the coast of California, yrs. back.

  2. Very beautiful images...even the ones a little scary looking!
