Thursday, April 27, 2023

Summer 2023 Poem Swap and Levertov

He himself must be
the key, now, to the next door
~Denise Levertov

First of all, the Summer 2023 Poem Swap!

Do you want to send and receive a poem (or five) this summer? Sign up for the Summer 2023 Poem Swap! The number of swaps is up to you. You don't need to send anything but a poem, although some folks send additional stuff. You can send it via email or snail mail.

You are welcome to mail them early, e.g. if you know you will be gone during Swap #4, you can mail #4 at the same time that you mail #3. The deadline to sign up is May 6th, so send me your name, mailing address, email address, and anything else I should know by then. I will send out swap match-ups as soon as I have them ready.

1st swap: June 16-30
2nd swap: June 30-July 14
3rd swap: July 14-July 28
4th swap: July 28-August 11
5th swap: August 11-25


The Broken Sandal
by Denise Levertov

Dreamed the thong of my sandal broke.
Nothing to hold it to my foot.
How shall I walk?
The sharp stones, the dirt. I would
Where was I going?
Where was I going I can't
go to now, unless hurting?
Where am I standing, if I'm
to stand still now?

Levertov trivia: At the age of 12...she sent several of her poems directly to T.S. Eliot: “She received a two-page typewritten letter from him, offering her ‘excellent advice.’


Also, I'll send you back to Music Monday for Joy Oladokun's song Taking Things for Granted. "Sometimes I feel like I never got out of the water" -- poetic lyrics!


There's No Such Thing as a Godforsaken Town has the Poetry Friday round-up. Thanks, Ruth!


  1. Interesting Levertov trivia, I had no idea!

  2. Thanks for the info on the Summer Poem Swap. The broken sandal poem reminds me of a time when I was wearing shoes with cork sandals and they disintegrated! What a mess, and I had to go barefoot!

  3. The sandal poem hits home with me... I can't find new ones I like. Also reading some history of the silk road and sandals or lack thereof. Levertov is new to me, must look further. Thanks!

  4. Tabatha, thanks for the poetry swap info, and thank you for organizing. I'm looking forward to it. I love the bit of trivia about Levertov and the letter she wrote to T.S. Eliot. I'm thinking about the broken sandal poem and feeling a bit haunted by the questions she asks.

  5. Hi Tabatha, I wrote you about the swap! That "broken sandal" holds so many layers. I wonder now who would go barefoot anyway, for anything? Thanks!

  6. The sandal poem reminds me of this book by Karen Williams I believe: Four Feet, Two Sandals.
    I’m all in for the swap(what’s new?$

  7. Hi Tabitha! I like the sandal poem and the bravery of a young girl who at age 12 would write a famous poet sending her own work! I will message you about the swap. Thanks!

  8. I think I need to get to know Denise better...
    "Where was I going I can't
    go to now, unless hurting?"
    We dream of broken sandals for a reason.

  9. Wow--makes me wonder if where I'm going is worth going to anyway, and whether or not I should just stay where I am, listening to the starlings and finches through the window cracked open while the fireplace is going. If only we didn't need groceries!

  10. intriguing, the thought of only being able to go someplace when not hurting...
    I'll write you about Poem Swap! Thanks for doing this!
